h a v e n

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Haven traipsed the halls of the small building with reluctance evident in her steps. She wasn't particularly fond of the basil colour paint of the textured walls, nor the way the overly-polished floors squeaked and squealed beneath dozens of feet as herds of students rushed across them, or, the way it constantly smelled of wax and Pinesol. But, it had become a part of her routine. And Haven liked routines.

Making her way through the clusters of students, Haven sighed as she plopped down into her chair. The seat wasn't assigned to her, but she'd treated it as though it was, not once sitting in a chair other than that one. With it's one shorter leg making it a bit wobbly, It's wooden seat was splintering, and it's metal bolts rusting; She'd instantly chosen the odd-one-out.

She soon began gently rocking on the aforementioned leg, her eyes briefly fleeting up to meet the board, scanning over the sloppily scrawled text before quickly dismissing trying to make anything out of it. She spent most of her classes like this; bored and uninterested. She wasn't a bad student--A's and B's were regularly on her report cards. But, she rarely learned anything new, due to her countless hours spent on Wikipedia, Haven knew all she needed to know, and then some. Or, at least, she thought she did.

Resting her chin in her hand, she blew her bang (which stopped being a bang about 6 months ago) out of her eyes, focusing in on the droning man at the board.

* * *

The Fire-engine-redhead sat at the small blue table, at the back of the cafeteria, about 10 meters from the exits. She'd picked this place to sit as soon as she'd got to the school, noting that if there were to one day be a fire, she'd have one of the best chances of escaping.

'One of' because running wasn't really one of her strong points in life, as we all learned earlier.

In front of her sat cheap plastic tray. On it, sat her "lunch". A lump brown meat that strikingly resembled chocolate pudding, browning mashed potatoes, and a large orange ball of mac 'n' cheese.

Yes, orange.

Yes, ball.

"Hi." Haven's thoughts were dragged away from the mysterious shapes and textures on her plate, and to the oh-so-familiar voice that traipsed through her thoughts all through the night, and when her eyes finally drifted closed, and her breathing became light, he even danced through her dreams.

A small smile made it way onto her lips as she lifted her head to meet those blue orbs that could only belong to one boy. "Hi, Eden."

* * *

It's 5:29. Why am I awake.

e l l x e

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