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I know, I know, why am I writing a new story when I have lots of them on my "to do" list? Because this one is going to be amazing, the moment the plot crossed my mind I knew I had to write it. They say "go big or go home..." this one is going to be big, great, the best...You'll love it, I promise... And you'll learn a lot about history, fashion, music... and lesbians. 

People seem obsessed by Gentleman Jack but she's too far back in time to become a real reference for lesbians nowadays. Natalie Barney, however... Dollie Wilde,  Romaine Brooks, Gertrude Stein and her partner Alice, Sylvia Beach and Adrienne Monnier, Ruth Baldwin and Marion Castairs, Violette Morris, Isadora Duncan... those are names you should know, women who lived their lives freely, they loved other women, supported artists and writers and were the core of the golden years of the artistic vanguard. I'm going to introduce you to them all... Always bear in mind that people around my main characters, places, cafés, restaurants, clothes, ways of life... Everything I'm gong to tell you is historically accurate. The video above will help you to inmerse yourself in the atmosphere of the crazy years in Paris when being a lesbian was a trend and even the word lesbian started to be used frequently instead of saphist or invert. 

Of course, my muse will be the main character... The one and only Ruby Rose as Gabrielle Millerand (minus her tattoos)

 The one and only Ruby Rose as Gabrielle Millerand (minus her tattoos)

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And beautiful Melanie Laurent will be Georgine Laurent because she's French, blonde, has stunning blue eyes and already fought against Nazis in Inglorious Basterds


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As always, please forgive the mistakes of this Spanish speaker and my comment section is open for suggestions and corrections. Read, vote, enjoy... Let's go!

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