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Monsieur Vérone's law office. Paris, 1925.

"This is completely irregular, Monsieur Millerand. You'll understand that we can't..."

"But it isn't illegal," the man with white hair and a neatly trimmed moustache answers while leaning back on his chair with the confident gestures of someone used to have his own way. His dark suit contrasts with the striped waistcoat in burgundy and dark blue matching his tie, it's a smart outfit, no doubt, but the lawyer finds it too flashy for his taste. Of course, Monsieur Millerand is famous for being a bit eccentric and he can afford it, it's not that he possesses the vastest fortune of France, but he has a lot of money undoubtedly thanks to some businesses in shipping and railway companies. He can afford a very comfortable life and even some expensive whims. In addition to that, he's one of his best clients and a charming and kind man, everybody likes him, even his business rivals. The lawyer fidgets on his seat, torn between doing what the client demands or doing his duty and advising him strongly against making such a radical decision.

"No, it's not... but the point is that she is..." Monsieur Vérone waves his hand with indifference at the girl sitting on a chair with her back straight and knees together. Gabrielle Millerand is a 18 year-old extraordinary beauty and the lawyer knows any man would be delighted to marry her, aside from her generous dowry. Her dark hair frames her flawless facial features and pale skin, high cheekbones and plump lips, her aquamarine coloured eyes watch Monsieur Vérone with curiosity, waiting calmly for the result of this dialectic battle between her father and the lawyer. The young girl's manners are exquisite and her blue dress with a bow embellishing her neck covers her knees decently, most women insist on wearing them shorter nowadays, but still... Those light and shining eyes that can see everything, every single detail, and seem capable of looking through your soul and reading your darkest secrets there... Maybe finding a suitable husband for her isn't that easy after all, despite her poise, those impertinent eyes and the fact that her father has given her a vast education, including subjects that are considered obscene for most young girls, could scare away some candidates.

"I understand, Monsieur Vérone. Women don't run family businesses or take decisions about their lives without the permission of a male relative." The lawyer nods, satisfied because his client understands the implications of his order. "Young girls must marry to a man of similar social position chosen by their parents, they'll have children and will be responsible housewives and society hostesses... That's the way I raised my eldest daughter: her mother, may she rest in peace, insisted on marrying her to a respectable businessman who owned several textile factories... she had a baby... Everything was perfect... and a big lie. My daughter pretended to be the perfect young, high society lady for four years while her husband beat her, humiliating her with his stupid jealousy... and finally he killed her and my grandson too, before committing suicide..."

"But... I thought that..."

"A car accident? That was what the police officers advised us to tell everybody... My poor Sylvie... I lost my lovely dove and won't let that happen to my hummingbird... Gabbi will be free to choose who her husband will be and also will be able to manage her own fortune, she's smart and I brought her up well, but she's humble enough to let other people give her advice with difficult matters. She'll accept your suggestions about profitable investments and will spend the profits the way she wants, she'll get the house and other properties in the city... she's my only heir after all. It can be done, can't it?"

"Of course, your daughter is of age and French law allows it. Women don't need a guardian for life like it happens in other countries, it's just that... nobody does it... And in addition to that, gold diggers..."

"Don't worry about them, my hummingbird is really smart and they won't fool her easily. Besides, she'll be the only manager of my businesses and will always control the money, her husband will only get the allowance she decides and he won't be able to touch the bank accounts. That will shoo jerks away... I want you to put it on paper as soon as possible in order to sign it."

"As you wish," the lawyer answers with resignation. "But you're still young, your daughter will get married and have children before we need these documents, probably."

"I don't think so, my heart isn't what it used to be and sometimes..." Monsieur Millerand rubs his chest absentmindedly before grabbing his watch from the pocket of his waistcoat. "We must leave, send me the papers to my offices as soon as possible as I've said. Sweetheart?" The girl gets up from her chair with grace and offers her hand to the lawyer.

"It's been a pleasure to talk to you..." Her sweet voice echoes through the office and her smile dazzles Monsieur Vérone, convincing him that it'll be easy to control her when the time comes, and still... those eyes... that flash of mischievousness and intelligence... Gabrielle Millerand isn't an obedient dove like her sister was... her father calls her hummingbird for a reason...

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