🤰🏾The clinic🤰🏾

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Bryson POV

I was wondering if we were expecting a child. I wanted another but probably next year or so.

I was always ready to have children since I've matured but i don't think Maya wants another child yet.

If she wants an abortion or adoption options I ain't gonna stress her about it. Even thought it's gonna hurt me. I still want her to be happy.

But I will be willing to be there for her no matter the circumstances. She's my babygirl and I'm her thugging ass nigga.

I went over to talkto NeNe about something's about Maya. "Aye yo I need some help with Maya. Can you help a nigga out." I asked her.

She looked at me and laughed. "If you came here to talk about her being pregnant then just to let you know she's keeping the baby." She told me.

I ain't gonna cap I cried a little bit cuz that's my baby inside of her. I really appreciate all the things she did. Maya put so much thought into this situation.

I really wanna be with Maya and shii it makes me feel way better that she letting this work out and have another child with me.

I ran out the door into my car. I gotta go take her to the clinic to see if she really is pregnant.

I walked inside of the house to see her in the couch on the phone. "Hey bae u wanna go back to the clinic." I said to her.

She shook her head yes. "Welp hurry up so we can see if you pregnant for sure." I said grabbing her something to put on.

"I got the shoes baby" she told me as she was holding them in her hand. I walked her out the house and put her in the car.

I drove a 20 minute drive to the clinic.
When we got there we signed in to see Dr. Perez. She was good I heard since I did some research on the doctors.

After 15 minutes of waiting Dr. Perez called us up. She sat Maya on the table like bed. She placed a gel on Maya's stomach.

Maya jumped as the the doc put the gel on. She smiled at me as she seen me looking. This is how special she is to me. I grabbed her hand as the ultrasound came on. 

Maya's POV

The gel was cold ash. The ultrasound came on as Bryson was getting a little worried.

"Where's the baby" I asked. Dr. Perez laughed. "Girl don't you know that you're not thing but 3 weeks and 5 days pregnant.

Bryson laughed at me. "I wanna have a girl." I said to Bryson as he looked at me.

He looked like tf you just said. I began to laugh in his face. But the truth is that I was scared cuz I didn't think I can handle no more children.

They are hard to take care of and expensive. The expensive part I can take care of cuz I been saving up my money. I might start doing hair again. It just depends.

"Alright is that all for today." She asked me. I nodded my head. "Am I going to be able to have any more kids after this." I asked Dr. Perez.

She smiled and nodded her head yes. I began to cry because in my family it's hard to have kids.

Bryson held my hand as the doctor gave me iron pills also some prenatal vitamins.

I walked out the clinic a happier person than ever. I couldn't believe it's possible for me to have more kids.

When we arrived at our house I went into another room and thought so much about things like my future and just the past.

I was getting married in a few more months and I couldn't wait for nothing anymore.

I grabbed my keys walking to my car as Trey pulled up in his Audi. NeNe got out with Aiden in his car seat.

I grabbed Aiden kissing him with all my love for him since he's my nephew.

"We just came to check up on you and the kids and your fiancé." She said as she said fiancé with a girly tone.

"Welp ig the word does go around town." I said as I put Aiden back in his car seat. "But y'all wanna go out to eat sometime." I said to Trey as NeNe went inside.

"Sure when though" he asked me. "Him being my brother is horrible cuz he can't make his mind up." I said aloud.

Trey laughed and playfully punched me. I held my arm since his hits always hurt for some reason.

I went inside the car waving Trey bye. I drove off to the grocery store. I drove for about 30 minutes to Walmart.

When I got out I went straight in buying baby food and diapers and other shii for the kids.

I also bought a bunch of food for the rest of this month. I spent a total amount of 602.83.

I was gonna cook tonight. We could probably have a family dinner tonight with Miracle this time.

I put all the food inside of the trunk and back seat calling Bryson afterwards. "Babe I need your help with the groceries." I said to him as I hung up.

I pulled up to the house as Bryson came out getting most of the bags. I called up Miracle and Kentrell.

-2 hours later-

It's 9:26. I already finished the food. I set the table. As everyone came in to eat. The kids were fast asleep in their rooms. NeNe and Treys Baby was in the spare room.

We finished our food and everyone left after we watched a movie.

I went to wash up as Bryson joined and we went right to sleep.

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