Chapter 5

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Just when Sophie had thought she may finally get a chance to rest after settling in, a messenger came knocking at her door. She bit her cheek before she could groan. The Queen had called for Sophie to join her for dinner. She had nearly refused, but not before an entire entourage of maids could rush into her chambers.
They strangled her into a new dress so full and flowy she felt its weight may drag her to the floor.
It was beautiful, just highly uncomfortable and covered in a lace trim that reminded her of an Inn's sheet. When they had moved to draw her hair back, she finally snapped. "I can do my own hair." She said, biting her annoyance back. The maids had scurried off before Sophie could have hoped to soften her tone. She couldn't help but feel that she was walking on eggshells everywhere she went. Now she was being paraded down the hall by the messenger, the only one of the castle staff who hadn't yet shyed from her. He was kind, and he couldn't have been but twelve years old.
She had studied the way from her room to wherever the boy was leading her relentlessly at first, determined to be able to get back on her own. But after a few dozen too many turns, she simply decided she would have to ask for another guide.
He had led her into a small room, explaining that it was the Queen's personal dining room that she had reserved for family dinners with her sons. Terror immediately settled in a pit in her stomach. What if the Prince were there? The King? She couldn't stand to meet the Prince again, and the King was an entirely new playing field. Meeting both at the same time would simply be too much.
Much to her relief, when she entered the dining area, it was simply Sophie and the Queen. She was seated in a seat near the window, looking as if she had an awful lot on her mind. Nevertheless, when she faced Sophie, she smiled rising from her chair to meet Sophie. "You came."
Sophie smiled, "I wouldn't miss a dinner with my Queen."
The Queen had sat Sophie down and found her own. Immediately Sophie was rushed to by a full bunch of maids, filling Sophie's plate and glass before she had even been able to scoot her chair in. She sat up in her chair, glancing at the food on her plate and for the first time so far couldn't help but wish for a simple sandwich in place of the extravagant steak and salads. She took a deep breath as she forced a smile, trying not to show how overwhelmed and exhausted she was. The Queen spoke smoothly and quickly, "I'm terribly sorry I got called off. I would've finished the rest of the tour and introduced you to your ladies but--"
"My 'Ladies'?"
The Queen raised an eyebrow, "Did we not discuss on the way?" Sophie's brow furrowed and she suddenly found herself wishing she hadn't simply smiled and nodded through half of the Queen lectures. The ones she listened to she had found interesting, but she could only bear so many unnecessary details. This however, was a very necessary detail.
"I-I'm afraid I can't reca--"
"You are to be my right hand. My warlock commanding all other warlocks here until the half of them return with Brigan to be soldiers."
Sophie's blinked slowly, lips parted. "Oh."
The Queen offered her a reassuring smile and somehow Sophie only felt more terrified. "Don't worry. Your ladies will be there to help you." Sophie forced a smile, and nodded. She couldn't help but find herself thinking the same thought that had been in the back of her mind for the last two weeks. Why me? The Queen quickly changed the subject, leaving Sophie dazed. "So, Lady Sophie, how have you been liking it at the castle?" The Queen asked.
Sophie cleared her throat quickly and gave her a warming smile, hoping it was convincing. Well, so far i've been attacked by your son, none of the staff will look at me, and everyone's afraid of me but you and Grier. "It's so beautiful here, and the animals here are like none i've ever seen before. The horses, the birds, the wildlife." She raised her glass quickly, praying her response didn't sound as fake as it felt.
The Queen smiled. "You're an animal lover? My son Brigan is as well, I'll have to have him take you on a tour of our animal garden-"
Sophie choked on her water. The Queen's smile faded, "I...take it that means you've met him?"
Sophie cleared her throat again, grinning at the Queen. He pinned me to the wall and threatened to kill me, no biggie.
"We vaguely bumped into each other."
The Queen frowned, "I hope he hasn't scared you away already, Brigan's never the most polite person, but he is a good kid. He simply wants the best for his people, and he hasn't had the best experience with those of the Supernatural world." Sophie added to her mental checklist, Check into what that means.
"He was polite enough, I'm sure he'll come around eventually."
The Queen sighed, "I'm hoping. I'm sure Camdryn will be much more inviting, he's definitely the personable of the two."
Sophie forced a grin. "I can only pray that is the case."
The Queen laughed, "You're too kind to Brigan."
Sophie bit back a grin, "I'm only telling the truth!"
The Queen glanced at her, plainly amused. "Oh, but dulled down I'm sure."
Sophie chuckled, "I'm sure both of your sons are good men, it will simply take time for both of them to adjust to having a warlock in their kingdom."
"It's not their kingdom," she said, "It's the people's kingdom."
Sophie bit back a grin, eyebrows raised, "You know how men work, peoples' kingdom it may be, but it is the High-born noblemen that decide, therefor in their minds it is their kingdom."
"But it isn't." The Queen said, sitting tall in her seat as she slid forward towards Sophie, stabbing fork into the table. "And shall my sons try to claim it as their own, the people will show them it's not. Hell, that's why we're in such a predicament now."
Sophie stared, grinning. "I hope what you say is true. I hate seeing how much power falls to men simply based on their bloodline. My people and I have faith in your sons, but sometimes--"
Queen Rowan raised a brow, slicing through her steak. "Men like my late husband come to power?"
Sophie offered a small grin, "I hate to be so blunt, but that is precisely what I was implying."
The Queen returned the smile, "My husband did terrible things to your people. Terrorized them for generations, children grew up afraid, ashamed to simply be alive—"
Sophie interrupted quickly, her voice firm as her jaw clenched. "We were never ashamed of who we are. We are proud."
The Queens brows shot up, her eyes widening as her lips parted. Sophie's eyes widened at herself. She bowed her head quickly, "I—I beg your forgiveness, Your Grace. I don't know what that was about—"
The Queen laughed out loud, her nose wrinkling. "Don't apologize! You remind me much of myself when I was much younger. It's rather refreshing" The Queen smirked, shaking a finger at her. "Don't let the men tame you, I did and I regret it in full. But you give me hope."
Sophie raised a brow despite her grin,"Hope?"
The Queen's face softened. "Hope that this kingdom may not be as lost as it seems. It's the people who are lost, but they can be found by others like you."
Sophie smiled, "And I hope I won't let you down."
The Queen's smile faded and Sophie's heart dropped. "So do I."

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