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Sarah wasn't sure what to do. The boys had left for IEM Sydney a few days ago, hopping into a shitty RV, leaving her to fend for herself for a bit.

Granted, she WAS invited to go as well. But she didn't want to be trapped in a small moving home with 6 other guys. She could barely handle them at their house, where there was space to escape if she needed it. Plus, things with both her and Eric have been weird, and she didn't want to go and make them any weirder.

After the night they all had gotten plastered, Sarah had woken up to Cam moving her and Eric from outside into the house. Maybe she wasn't even awake, she still was a bit high and had chalked it all up to a dream. Where Sarah could walk (stumbling and dizzy, but still able to walk), Eric was passed out. Cam had to pretty much drag him back to the couch, muttering curse words the whole way.

Once Sarah could see which couch Cam was setting Eric on, she moved to another one, making herself as comfortable as possible.

"Is it cool if he stays here? Toby and I are going to deal with the others, but Eric's absolutely knocked out. There's no way we'd be able to get him home," Cam had stated, Eric's snoring making him speak louder. Sarah nodded her head, eyes half closed.

Cam had left, after he and Toby had ushered out the other guys. She guessed that they had their hands full, as they had left the front door wide open. She huffed, standing up and making her way to the door, shutting it a bit harder than she had intended to.

"Shit," She muttered, looking back at Eric. Her vision was a bit blurry, but she could see he was still asleep. The snoring had stopped, and she prayed it was long enough for her to crash on the couch and get some sleep.

Sarah walked back over, both sleepiness and the effect of her not being sober causing her to stumble a bit. She let out a small noise of surprise as she walked past Eric and felt a hand grab hers.

"Come cuddle with me," She heard Eric mumble. She glanced at him and she saw that his eyes were still closed, but a small smile was plastered on his face. Maybe it was the calm and content look on his face that willed her to do it, or maybe the drugs and alcohol. But she went to grab her blanket from the other couch, throwing it over both of them as the got comfy and cuddled together.

Sarah couldn't deny, as her high was wearing off she was getting a bit nervous. I mean, he was one of her best friends. She couldn't be feeling anything, could she? That would be ridiculous.

She remembered the time she had a small crush on Cam when they had first met. He caught on quickly, Sarah not being able to hide her feelings for shit. He said he wasn't looking for a relationship, and would rather be friends. She had pretended everything was fine, but as she had gotten on a plane a few days later to go home, she ended up crying. It definitely wasn't anything too big, she probably got in over her head with the fact that he was so tall, or his accent. He never ended up telling anyone, and she had vowed to never develop feelings for another one of Toby's friends again.

So why was she laying here, wrapped in Eric's arms, going over every detail of his face? How his hair was disheveled, and his mouth was open slightly, fanning a breath of alcohol over her face. He smelled so good, and she could feel a blush heating up on her face.

Thankfully, he didn't start snoring again and Sarah had slept peacefully.

When she had woken the next morning, still in Eric's arms as he scrolled through Twitter and Instagram, she blushed.

"Morning, sleepyhead," he mumbled, glancing over at her. She smiled softly, still exhausted. She sat up, cracking her back in the process.

"Coffee?" Sarah had asked him, and he nodded. She went to make it, trying to get away from the obvious tension in the room. Sarah knew that Eric liked his coffee black, so she made her cup and brought him his, setting it in front of him on the coffee table. He muttered a thanks, sipping it.

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