Chapter 6

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Looking back, your original plan was inauthentic. You really thought you could end him, and now given the option ... you were a coward- or maybe just too smitten. Option 1 was not going to happen. Option 2 was also not going to happen. Staying in your position with the Troupe was tempting, but not at the cost of your secret weapon. The years you'd trained and the sacrifices you'd made for that ability were too great. Even if you didn't use it that often, you couldn't bear to lose it. You also knew that choosing to stay didn't mean getting the boss all to yourself. There was no option that would give you that, since he himself had decided to stay solo. So there it was... Option 3. You knew it was the only answer that would allow you to continue living as you needed to. Take your memories and go.

He sat waiting for your response, focused but patient. You looked him up and down- would you really never see him again? It hurt already. You inched forward to all fours to crawl closer, crossing over the artifacts and put your hands on his chest. You kissed his neck as he scoffed. He took your shoulders, trying to sit you up saying, "That's not one of the options." You ignored his faint protest and continued kissing downwards to his waist. Between kisses you said, "Give me 20 more minutes- then I'll leave. Forever."

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