Chapter 8

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(Ryan's POV)

I cant belive im saying this but thank god Monday came by fast. I couldn't wait to get back and see Clov. My mind is still shocked at what happened on Saturday. I am trying so hard to forget about it.

I had so many mixed feelings that I didn't know what to do. It got bad enough to the point where I almost wanted to shoot myself in the head to make it stop.

I don't know what I'm going to do about Kyle. I really want him but don't at the same time. Its like my stubbornness is competing with my desires.

Arriving at school, I put my baby blue hoodie on and pull the hood over my strawberry hair. I take a quick glance around looking for any sign of Kyle, but I do not see him. Good. Its probably for the best if I stay away even more. After what happened last time I feel like I'm a danger to him.

"Earth to Ryan," Clover waves her hand in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry Clov," I shake my head out of my thoughts.

"What are you doing with a hood on? Its like 80 degrees out here!"

"I'm just... hiding from Kyle..." I trailer off.

"Why?" she giggles.

"He came to my house on Saturday and lets just say things did not go well." She stops giggling and looks at me questionably.

"What happened?"

I look to the ground. Should I tell her? I don't know how she'll take it or if she'll even believe me. I haven't known her for long so its hard to say how she'll react.

"Its ok you don't need to tell me but I'm always here for you. Ok?" She pulls me into a hug and I gladly hug her back. She's a good friend, actually more like a sister.

The bell rings dismissing us and Clover and I go our seperate ways. I'm so glad that I haven't seen Kyle today. Maybe he's not even at school. Around lunch time I catch up to Jade and Jaelyn.

"Hey Ryan you gonna come sit with us?" Jade asks.

"Yeah I'll be there in a second I have to go get something out of my locker first." I sprint down the hall and holler," Save me a seat!"

I make it to my locker and I type in the combination. The halls are completely empty now and I can hear the sound of my own breathing start to accelerate. Weird why is my breathing accele.....

"Hey Ryan," a deep angelic voice says to me. I turn around and find the exact person I'm trying to avoid.

"Hey Kyle," I say casually. I put a few more books in my locker trying not to look at those gorgeous green eyes.

"Listen I want to talk about what hap..." He starts but I interrupt him.

"There's nothing to talk about!" I growl. My hand quickly covers my mouth. Did I seriously just make an animal sound? He looks at me with wide eyes before shaking his head.

"See, that's exactly what I'm talking about. I really need to talk to you," he pleads. So he noticed the growl...

"Ok fine but not here. We need to go somewhere else to discuss this," I say. He nods and grabs my hand leading me down the hallway. A million sparks run though my hands at his touch and butterflies fill my stomach. I can feel a blush come across my face.

I look back and see my locker still opened. Wow he couldn't have waited till I shut my locker? He pulls me into the janiter's closet. How cliché. I flick the lights on and turn back to Kyle waiting for him to say something first.

"What exactly did you do back at your house? Where did you get the strength to throw someone as big as me?" He asks dumbfounded.

"I-I don't know," is all I could figure out to say. He paces in the small little space we have in here.

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