f i f t y - t h r e e

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overall this week has been hectic. for starters, i died in minecraft and lost all my items on me in lava. wonpil made fun of me that entire day and then younghyun thinks it's fine to ask me out outta the blue. i mean no, i'm not complaining i'm just shocked. i'm just a random fanboy that happens to run a big fan account of the solo singer kang younghyun. there is nothing special about me. unless if you count that i can flex my dick, sure.

today, younghyun is picking me up for our date and i feel like passing the fuck out. this is some type of y/n shit going on right now. never did i think i would be ass. yes. yes i did name y/n ass. i've read countless younghyun x male readers but i'm too uncomfortable to read my name so i replaced it with ass which makes the fanfic ten times enjoyable. 'younghyun places his hand on your thigh, rubbing it going close to your shaft. you wide your eyes at him. you both where in school. "y-younghyun pls not here." you wine. younghyun ignores your complaints but you secretly love the thrill of younghyun and you getting caught.
"ass..... i need you."'
told you it's more fuuny. at least in my opinion.

the ringing doorbell brings me out of my thoughts. i sit up from the couch and look through the peek hole to see younghyuns beautiful ass standing there. i gulp and mentally prepare myself for what this day is going to be. i open the door and shyly smile. his eyes bright up at the sight of me which makes me blush.

"hey," he starts, "you look cute." i'm pretty sure i'm a tomato by now. he chuckles and ruffles my hair, a habit he got when he first met me. "so, let's go?"

"yeah, let's go." younghyun has a black mask and hat on to match with his entire black outfit masking his appearance. it's understandable when you're very famous, especially when he's in his home town. he grabs my hand and leads me out to his car. he opens my door for me in which i blush even more. "you don't have to open the door for me. i'm not that glorious." i say while he gets in from the drivers side.

"well, i gotta be a gentleman on the first date." he gives me his famous smile. i shake my head and we go off. younghyun looks over at me when we stop at a gas station right down the street from my house. "i didn't fill out the tank on the way here, sorry i'm wasting out time to get there faster." he apologizes.

"no no it's fine!" i say. younghyun asking me out is the best thing that has ever happened to me. in the end it doesn't really matter if this date goes well, all i need to know is that he likes me.

"do you want anything?"

"hmm, a pack of m&ms and some water will be fine, thank you." he gets out of the car, pays for gas and then goes inside of the station to get the good stuff. after about five minutes he comes back with a plastic bag holding two waters, mini air heads, and a pack of m&ms.
he plops himself in the car handing me the bag.

"and we are off!" he adds, "once again!" i laugh and take a sip of water.

thirty minutes later we are at the entrance of some trail in the woods.

"are you sure you didn't bring me here to kill me?" i ask putting my hand on my hip.

younghyun smirks at me, "hunny, if i wanted to kill you, you would be dead by now." i roll my eyes and look up in the sky.

"it's getting dark. we should get going." younghyun nods and takes my hand in his, intertwining them together. i look down shyly. why does he have to be so cute for? all i do is breathe and i feel like i'm being personally attacked. before i know it we are in some empty space of grass. the warmth of younghyuns hand disappears while he lays down a blanket he brought. he sits down on it, patting right beside him making me sit next to him. younghyun takes off his mask and hat, he fixes his matted hair from the hat.

we look up in the sky, stars littering the nothingness of space. in the abyss of the night sky younghyun looks over at me. i look over at him, making our eyes make contact. he takes in a deep breath.

"hey, the sky looks pretty but you look prettier."

i look him dead in the eye, "i fucking hate you. leave." to my surprise younghyun gets up and starts walking away.

"nOO, I WAS JOKING PLEASE!" i run after him. a smile is placed on his lips while he sprints away from me, making me want to die inside since i don't exercise.

i trip on the grass that was slightly moist from the day before because it was sprinkling. i land hands first onto the group and make a 'oof' sound. younghyun runs over to me out of breath laughing at me.

"baby, i'm sorry," we wheezes, "but that was hilarious." he gets on his knees, sweat dripping down his face while i massage my hands from the fall. i scowl at him and turn away. younghyun notices and his laughter dies down a bit. his hand find themselves around my waist, hugging me from behind.

"please forgive me~ i'm sorry for laughing." he nuzzles his face into my neck. i blush and sigh.

"fine, i forgive you. only because you said please." i say pretending to still be annoyed at him. he pouts and picks me up. i gasp and throw my arms around his neck.

"jesus christ!" i yell, "put me down!" younghyun stays silent, his hold on me tightens. knowing i won't win against him, i let myself admire his beauty. his eyelashes are thick and his eyes are shining in the moonlight. he softly lays me down on the blanket while i'm still stuck in my little trace. he sits down right next to me and looks down at his hands. i sit up and boldly enough intertwine our hands together. he look up at me.

"i thought you were mad at me?" he says quietly.

i laughing silently, "nah i'm not. i was just messing around." he hums as a response and stares at our hands.

"is it okay if i kiss you?" i internally freak the fuck out and blush for the 102729 time that day as i mange to utter out an okay.

i cant believe i've had this gross ass book for over a year and it still isn't finished ksjsks.
anyway, hope y'all enjoyed that cliffhanger :) AND the president + past tense loves to eat my ass so sorry if there is any mistakes 😰😰
this ain't edited!!

love y'all <333)

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