Chapter 2

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At first, you just stood there, standing in shock. Dave actually came. He sounded like a dick, but really, it seems he did consider you a friend and wanted to help you. Either that or this was just a coincidence and he just decided to let you in anyway. But none of that really mattered. All you wanted was to get home, fast, and see what was going on with your family. "Are you going to get in or what?" Dave asks, his voice impatient as he stares out the window. You take another moment, before nodding.

"I'm getting in, calm the fuck down." You sigh, and open the car door, slipping in. Pulling the seat belt on, you look over at the blondes.

"So, you're the Kitkat kid?" The older blonde asks with a smirk, and you frown. They were both cocky pricks.

"My name is Karkat, not fucking Kitkat. Just take me home already." You snap, crossing your arms.

"Haha-alright kid. Where do you live?" Dave's older brother asks, and you quickly tell him the address, and Dave looks back at you.

"Really? That's the rich people area."

"The rich people area? Yeah sure the houses are nice there, but you don't need to say it like that. My dad has a good job and he has a house that he can afford with what he makes. He's earned a big house, so what?"

"So... you're rich?"

"I'm not rich, my dad is."

"It's sort of the same thing."

"No it's not, I didn't work for it, so it's not my money."

"Okay, okay, no need to get so worked up about it." Dave rolls his eyes as he turns back around, "There's nothing wrong with saying that your rich."

"But I'm not rich!"

"Alright! Calm down." The blonde chuckles, amused by your constant denial, although it was true. You didn't have a job, your dad did, and he made all the money. Therefore, he was rich and spent some of his money on you, as you were his responsibility, no matter how much you annoyed him. You look out the window, spending the rest of the drive in silence, ignoring the two brother's conversation. They seemed really close... Too bad you and Kankri would never be close.

Eventually the Strider's car pulls up in front your house, well, it was more of a mansion than just a simple house. "We're here." Dave's brother says, stopping the car in front of your driveway.

"Holy shit Karkat, can I look inside?" Dave perks up, staring at your house from out the window.

"No, you cannot." You snap, unbuckling the seat belt in order to get out of the car.

"Can I... walk you to the door? Please? Pretty please?" Dave fakes a pout, his smirk still hidden underneath. You groan, facepalming.

"Fine! Just shut up!" You quickly get out of the car, Dave following, his hands in his pockets as he looks up at your house through his shades.

"Damn." Dave then starts to follow you down the driveway to your front door and once you get there, you glance at him with furrowed brows. You look back to the door, and ring the doorbell. It only takes a moment for it to be answered, the door swinging open to reveal a lady dressed in some sort of service outfit.

"Oh welcome home Karkat, you're purrtty late!" She smiles warmly, giggling at her cat pun before looking over to Dave. "Is this one of your furiends?"

"No, he's not my friend at all. He's only here to drop me off because SOMEONE didn't come and get me." You huff and looks over at Dave who was gazing inside your house in aw, then at Meulin, that maid girl. You don't really like to consider her a maid though. Your family didn't really hire her, instead she came to you guys, begging for a job as a live-in maid. There was no reason to not say no, as your dad had the money and room, plus, she was like an older sister, or the mom you never really had. Though it didn't seem like it, you two were really close. Her quirky, happy, cat-loving personality surprisingly complimented your isolated, grumpy one. The way she treated you, it was like you really were family. "And he was just leaving."

Red, White, and Gray (A Humanstuck Davekat fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now