chapter 15

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I wake up to being gently shaken. I peek open my eyes to see Jay.

"You need to get up to get ready for school."

I moan and then roll out of bed. Jay leaves and closed the door behind him. I quickly get changed and head into the living room. William and my dad are waiting chatting on the couch with Jay. I go into the kitchen where Alex is getting breakfast. Crutches were leaned up against the wall.

"So...I see your dad found you some crutches."


I grab some breakfast and we head out to the car with Jay. We stay silent the whole drive there. We go straight to our lockers and start cleaning them out. I pile up all my texts books on the floor and then throw away all my extra papers along with Alex's. Jay takes Alex's books while I take mine. We go straight to the library and turn them in. Jay leaves us to let us go do testing. I run to catch up with Alex. Even with crutches he was still fast.

"Will you slow down."

"I'm the one with crutches but yet I'm faster the you," he says with a smirk.

"Well, yeah but I can barely keep up."

"Okay I'll slow down."

I walk right by his side. Alex looks over at me smiling.

"You know we're gonna get there late."

"Well there's not much I can do about that."

"How's your side doing?"

"Soar but okay."

We finally get to class and take our tests. The rest of the week we do testing and on Friday it's spring fling. Alex isn't using the crutches anymore and his ankle is pretty much healed. All if us seniors had meeten outside where they have face paints for us. It was bright and sunny with just a bit of a breeze. Jay was helping moneter along with one of the other adults. I'm not sure how much monitoring was actually happening because they were chatting to each other by the wall.

"So how do you want me to paint your face?" asks Alex as we sit on the ground with a purple and gold paint.

"I dont know"

"How about dots on your face going down your nose like this," he says while lightly touching different stops down my nose. "Then we can do lines on your cheeks like this," he says while going down and then up on my cheeks.

"Sounds good to me."

I try to stay as still as possible while Alex does my face. I keep on moving on him through which definitely can be helpful.

"I'm gonna mess this up on purpose if you keep on moving."

"Well i'm sorry but I can't help it."

He puts his free and on my face to keep me as still as possible. Finally he finishes and I pull out my phone to see how he did. Surprisingly he did pretty good.

"Okay my turn to do yours. Now what do you want me to do?"

"Whatever you want."

I just do two straight line of paint on each side. Everyone starts getting paint on there hands to do hand prints. A few of then had done then on there face while the others did their legs. I start putting handprints on my legs since I had decided to wear shorts that day. Alex joins with me. I then put a purple hand print on the side of his neck. He grabs onto my arms leaving paint smears. I do the same back until Mr. Weaver has us all stop.

One of the students then ask, "Can we each put our handprints on the flower bed by the front doors?"

"Sure, I mean it doesn't seem like a problem to me," responds Mr. Weaver.

We all get fresh paint on our hands and Alex and I put both of your handprints right next to each other. One of the boy's rights with his finger our class year with rotating colors. We the all head inside where we wash off our hands. We then go into the gym where the assembly is being held.

We sit and the bottom by the side in the seniors section. Jay stands beside us. We watch the color guard and then the cheerleaders. They present all the spots teams and then watch a slideshows for us seniors.

Then they have the races. They ask for two volunteers from each class and I stand up pulling Alex along with me. We stand together as they explain where we'll be doing. It's basically the egg and the spoon race partway across the gym but the spoon was in your mouth and you had to put it into the bowls without taking the spoon out of your mouth. Then we have to do a three legged race across the gym and be the first pair to make a basket.

Alex waits for me by the bowl and I hurry over to him. I slowly get lower to the ground and put the gett into the bowl. I take the spoon out of my mouth and we quickly tie our legs together. We race across the gym and then untie our legs. We're so far tied with sophomore and junior. The freshmen were behind because they had trouble with the tie around the ankles.

I try to make the basket but then miss. Then Alex takes the ball and makes it in on his first shot. Then he takes my arm and we go running back to the other side on the gym with the two juniors not far behind us. We make it to the wall first and the seniors start screaming. We go and sit down and they bring out the tug of war rope. Of course they call up freshmen and seniors first. The seniors from last year lost against the freshman. This year we would hopefully beat them.

I get close to the front with Alex. We're all crowded close together and there was only a few other people in front of us. One the principal says go we start pulling. As we get farther back I could feel my feet slipping. Then we all go falling back as the freshmen fall forward. I land on Alex and we're all laughing.

We get up and go sit back down and watch as the juniors and sophomores go against each other. The we go against the sophomores. We barely beat then and then we leave before all the other classes to go get lunch. We then just hang out for a while and then decided to head home early. We take one last look before we head out of the school. We would be coming back later that day for the graduation ceremony but this would be the last time seeing it live with students.

"I can't believe that this is our last time at this school," says Alex almost in a whisper.

"Yeah, me two."

We then head home with Jay silently. Later that day we go to graduation and say our goodbyes to everyone. We stop by a park to hang out. Alex lets me use his sweater that had was part of our senior gear. We get home late at night close to midnight since we also stopped at a restaurant to celebrate. Once I step inside I collapse on the couch and fall asleep immediately.

I'm Not Sure What To Do: book 2Where stories live. Discover now