Episode 7: Prince of the Seven Kingdoms Part 1

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Not only had the gardens not changed but they somehow seemed to have become more beautiful. Which was surprising seeing as Cersei was the one in charge of tending to them. It didn't seem like she would want to bother with the flowers but they were still growing strong. Perhaps it was for Myrcella, maybe a way she chose to remember her by.

It was a nice place to go and try to clear his mind, maybe find some semblance of peace. He took a seat and closed his eyes, breathing deeply. The smell of the flowers soothed him at least. That feeling was interrupted by the distinct sound of clashing swords. Jaime opened his eyes annoyed and got up to put an end to whatever was happening. One hand on the hilt. He turned a corner to where the noise was coming from and saw Brienne training Pod who seemed to be far too tired to train any longer.

Pod swung his sword uselessly at Brienne, his sword arm seemed to be completely limp and Brienne easily knocked it from his hand and hit Pod to the ground. "I'm too tired Ser," he wheezed.

"Do the dead care that your tired?" Brienne said, dropping the sword on his gut as it bounced right back up and into her hand.

"No," Pod said wheezing and coughing.

"Perhaps you should give the lad a rest," Jaime said as he made his presence known. Brienne looked surprised to see him and Pod was looking at Brienne with desperate eyes. Brienne exhaled in frustration before she let Pod go and he took off running before she could change her mind.

She turned to Jaime now. "I'm surprised to see you about Ser Jaime," she said avoiding his eyes.

"As am I," he responded. "Would you care to walk with me?" Jaime asked. Brienne obliged, putting the swords off to the side. They walked together through the gardens in silence, each trying to think of something to talk about that wouldn't be such a dull topic. "How goes the boy's training?" Jaime asked trying to break the awkward silence. It was a dull topic but at some point he needed to break the silence.

"He's an above average swordsman now, could be better however," she responded. Despite what her words said she sounded proud of Podrick's advancement.

"So you fought the White Walkers," Jaime said after another period of silence.

"I did," she responded.

"How were they?" Jaime asked. There was still one left and it being the most powerful one he needed to be sure if he stood a chance at winning if he came face to face with it.

"Some of the best fighters I'd ever seen. However their weakness was too great," Brienne said. That answers Jaime's question, don't want to come close to him.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry, I'm sure it was difficult and hurtful for you but I will be here if you need speak with someone," Brienne said.

While she hadn't directly informed Jaime on what he was talking about he knew well enough. "I'll be alright."

"I heard you'll be commanding the Westerland forces," Brienne said attempting another topic instead of a subject he would most likely prefer not to speak of.

"I am," Jaime said nodding. "I actually wanted to talk to you about that." Jaime said taking a light grip on her arm to stop her. "I wouldn't object to having a second in command, someone with good senses and a strong attitude. Also an experienced sword fighter wouldn't hurt." For some reason Brienne didn't seem to be getting the message. "I wanted to know if you would show interest in being a commander of the Westerland forces."

A smile grazed Brienne's lips and she gave a quick nod. "I would be honoured Ser Jaime." He smiled and they continued walking.

Their conversation flowed much simpler now and they were able to delve into much simpler topics. "What do you think about the Queen?" Jaime said abruptly with no flow into whatsoever.

"The gods flipped their coin, thankfully it landed on the right side," she said. "Why do you ask?"

Jaime just shook his head as he pressed his lips together slightly. "Just curious."

"What will you do when the war is over?" Brienne asked. Jaime pondered the question for a moment. "That's what I'm trying to figure out."


The sun glimmered through Daenerys' window and onto her face, stirring her from her sleep. She turned in her bed and reached across to find for the first time in the previous few mornings that the space was empty. She immediately shot up and looked around the room but didn't see Jon. She would've grown worried had he not walked through the door almost immediately after. "How long have I been asleep?" She asked.

"Not too long, you seemed peaceful and I didn't want to wake you," he replied. She looked down at his hands and saw that he was carrying some clothing. They were too feminine to be his but they weren't anything like the dresses Daenerys usually wore, but they were embroidered with the Targaryen colours. They were black leather with a dragon scale pattern. Seems like Sansa put her own personal touch. "Put these on," he said, placing them on the bed.

Daenerys picked them up and examined them, they were made of the same quality as her dresses she would wear for battle but even still she preferred those. "What do I need these for?" She asked.

He was standing by the door with a mischievous grin on his face. "You'll see," he said as he turned around to wait in the hall for her to get dressed. She didn't understand why, it's not like he doesn't know what it looks like underneath, but they're not there yet.

She slipped on the clothes and opened the door into the hall where he waited. She followed him down the wall to an open room where Arya was waiting with her hands behind her back as if she was hiding something. "What's this about?"

Immediately after Daenerys asked Arya threw a wooden sword in her direction and Daenerys just barely caught it. "Good, your already further ahead than I was when I started," she teased.

Daenerys realised what she was here for and she turned to Jon. "Are you sure this is safe for the baby?" She asked, she'd been wary of any sort of activity no matter how unharmful it was. She's already lost one child and she won't lose another.

"I made her promise not to hit you... hard," Jon giggled and Arya had a mischievous grin much like her brother's moments earlier.

"Just light taps, they won't hurt and I'll avoid the stomach," Arya said now being slightly more serious.

"I would much prefer you be able to protect you and the baby if in the middle of battle were you to be separated from Drogon," Daenerys was hesitant but willing to attempt to learn. She never required the knowledge of swordplay, she always had her dragons or others, as well as her sharp tongue. But she's running out of people and maybe finally taking up the art wouldn't be too poor of an idea.

"Why aren't you training me?" Daenerys asked Jon.

"I have matters to attend to, also she insisted," Jon turned to leave the two women alone but not before saying one more thing. "Go easy on her Arya."

"Well, shall we?" Arya asked raising her sword and making a stance and Daenerys tried to replicate it. "Let's start with trial and error, try to hit me," Arya said. Daenerys approached slowly taking a swing which Arya easily ducked. "A blind man could have seen that swing coming, don't wind up so much," so she didn't this time and Arya easily parried it. "Don't strike from the same place twice," Arya started stepping towards her now. "Now I'm gonna strike from the left," Daenerys went to block from the left but instead Arya hit from the right.

"Ow, that wasn't left," Daenerys said rubbing her side.

Arya snickered then went back into a fighting stance. "Never listen to your enemy."

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