The Constellations

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Me and Leda are standing up in a tree, appalled that there is Prissy, just wandering around our drift of a house. I'm really hoping Khloe's not inside. She'd be trapped.

Leda is cursing out on a branch in front of me and I'm just thinking about how panicked Khloe is, she must know that Prissy's outside. If she opened the door she'd be dead.

I doze into a daydream about the first place I saw her, in a tree, looking down at me about to kill me, though she had mercy we became allies and this happend. Nothing happened to me yet.

I wonder how nice her perfect hair is, I wonder if she's shaking inside without a fire crackling and making enough noise to hear outside and see the glow ontop of the Drift.

It's so dark right now, the sky's cloudy and its freezing. It's so silent and peaceful, then there's a snapped stick in the distance to my left. The Drift is kind of forward to the right about 10 meters from me. and the huge space around and the lake to my right beside the Drift.

It catches Prissy's attention and she wanders off in that direction.

It's our turn now.

Leda and I bolt for the Drift and we need to make sure Khloe doesn't kill us when we run in, so we throw snow at the door and Leda tells her it's her and me, we decide it's safe enough to go in and she won't stab us in panic.

Leda opens the door and its pitch black inside.

"Khloe?" Leda searches for her.

No response.

"Khloe," I say hoping she'll answer.

"Khloeeeeee where are youuuuu," Leda sings.

I close the door and go for a flashlight, I find it in a big ice bowl we made. I turn on the flashlight and then take matches and light a fire. If Prissy comes back we can take her. Maybe.
The fire light is so bright.

"Do you think she left?" Leda stares at the fire.

I turn to look around for food because I'm starving and Leda's probably starving, then I see a pile of blankets in the far corner.

She couldn't be warming up over there, the fires in the middle of the Drift.

"Khloe!" I get up, almost falling in the fire.

"I'll get 'er," Leda gets up and goes to her. I watch and she takes the blankets off Khloe, she must be freezing.

"Her hair is like rock solid and her lips are almost blue," Leda informs. She grabs Khloe's feet and pulls her like that to beside the fire.

I go sit beside Khloe and Leda sits back at the log thing we were sitting on. I look at Khloe, study her face, and then look around the drift.

To anyone in the arena, this house would be luxury, it has everything. There's about eight bags of stuff. and we have a huge pile of weapons.

That reminds me, I'm going to have to die. For Khloe. She's gotta win, unless the game makers have another idea for how this is supposed to end.

I end up falling asleep,when Leda shakes me awake, fire dying out, Khloe is sitting up.

"?" Khloe expresses.

"Guys-guys shhhh-shh-don't talk or make noise," she sneaks to the weapon pile. Then me and Khloe are alert enough to hear the faint sounds of a whispering Mindy, Leda told me everything about her.

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