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The picture above is not mine. I give credit to whoever made it.

*Warning: contains Alcohol use, and strong language* 

Magnus pov

It's been 5 months. 5 months after Alec mysteriously got up and left me, for no reason that I know of. He didn't tell me why, nobody is telling me why. Catarina says I should just get over it and move on. But... it isn't that easy. When I was with Alec I felt whole and like someone actually cared about me. But he just walked out of my life, just like everyone else.

I was in the middle of my 2 bottle of vodka? I don't know I'm not even keeping track of how many i drank. Literally out of nowhere I got a text from Cat, saying I have to be present at a council meeting in 10 fucking minutes! Uhhh.

I got up and downed the rest of the bottle of... who knows what. Not even caring about the burning in my throat. I actually enjoyed it. Now, I have to go to the stupid meeting. Yay.

So... That just happened. Feel free to point out any mistakes. Alec should be arriving soon. Yay!

- Gwiffin

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