Why? part 7

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I do not own these characters

Magnus pov

I open my eyes and stairway the ceiling. God damn my head hurts.
"What the hell," I yell to myself.
I stand up grabbing onto the wall, my head was spinning. I walked into the living room toward the door. And I opened it.
And of course Izzy and Jace were standing on the other side of it.
"Shadowhunters," I sign out annoyed.
" Magnus, we need to talk to you, " Izzy looked like she was struggling to find words. And Jace looked beyond nervous.
I walked over to the liquor cabinet grabbing a large bottle of whiskey, and sitting on the side of my couch.
The two shadowhunters were still outside my door.
"Well are you going to stand there today and waste my time?" I raised my eyebrow, trying not to yell at them.
They cautiously walk in. And stood a few feet from me. I open the bottle and chugged half of it.
"So are you gonna talk... Or what?" I was seriously getting pissed off now.
" Look... Alec is really sorry"
I cut her off "Yah I doubt he's sorry...wait...if you two knew about him being gone...why didn't you tell me anything? Or at least tell me he was alive... Well not exactly alive but here!" I started yelling at the last part, I swear I am three seconds away from doing something to those two.
"Alec...He did tell us to tell you about what happend...but..." Izzy trailed off looking at Jace for help.
" We didn't know how you would take it. And we thought that if you went looking for Alec, while he was still learning to control what he is now... That you would probably end up hurt. "
"Or dead." Izzy finished for Jace.
"Well you could at least have told me something, instead of ignoring me." I downed the rest of the bottle.
" Isn't it a little early to be drinking? " Jace looked at the empty bottle of Alcohol.
"Well, it's probably the only thing keeping me from killing you both at the moment." Magnus glares at them.
"I know you have every right to not forgive us or Alec. But he... He is so sorry Magnus, he just wants to make it up to you." Izzy pleaded.
" Just leave both of you, " I magiced open the door.
"Just think about it," Jace stated.
They finally left. I slammed the door after they left, and opened another bottle of booze. I went onto the balcony sat on a chair and drank it.
They all can go to hell.

Poor him. Who should visit him next?

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