Nat! (part 2)

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Forest. Screams. Nat. And my life being altered in the most grotesque and heart-shattering of ways. 

Nat is smiling at me, relishing our new found freedom, when I see him. Nat enfolds me in a hug while Jay walks out of the forest, and before I can scream he pulls out his shotgun and shoots Nat in her ankle. Nat screams in agony, and I try to keep her standing, trying to keep her from going into shock. "Your fucking time's up, Achilles" Jay says through clenched teeth to Nat. Jay turns to me, smiling that awful smile, and raises his gun. I plead for my life, asking to be spared. "Fine, I can spare you" he says, and I feel relieved. Then I hear the bang of the barrel.

With this statement he shoots Nat again, this time in the right shoulder, shooting her where it won't kill her, making me watch her writhe and groan in sheer agony. I can't stand the sight of it, I throw up in the bush next to me while another shot is fired. Nobody is there to save me. Nobody can save us from Jay, we made sure this was a forest with few people. Nat, somehow still conscious, stares at the bullet hole in her hand and shoulder, and I try to form a tourniquet out of my jacket for her, but to no avail. Jay raises the gun again, this time directly at me, and I stand there, frozen. My mind isn't working. I wonder if I want to die, if that would be my best alternative, when I hear Nat screaming at me. "RUN JULIE! YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!" These words, spoken by my truly selfless sister, who put me ahead of herself every single day of her life, break me out of my trance. I am unable to speak, to thank her, and I see Jay coming closer. I take off, my legs flying underneath me, and I hear Nat shout to me, "Remember Julie, I love y-" and her voice is cut off by the final bullet and I hear heavy footsteps following me from a distance away. I feel nothing, I feel hollow inside. 

My sister just died. My best friend was taken from me by the hands of my demon, and all I can do is keep running, running for Nat. For what she wanted. She wanted me to be safe, but I don't know how to be anything without her. After running for what felt like hours, I finally hear nothing from behind me, and I slow to a jog, taking in the town Nat and I had planned on coming to for a few days and realize I was the only one able to see the freedom on the other side. I see a fast food restaurant ahead, and I run in, and head to the manager in the hopes to find the police.

"What the hell happened to you, kid?" The manager asks me. "Please," I beg, "call the police. A man just killed my sis-" and my voice breaks. I try to repeat, "A man killed my-" but I can't bring myself to admit that Nat died. The manager, looking quite concerned, dials 911 and soon after, I'm in a police cruiser, barely noticing the gray landscape passing by. 

We arrive at the station, where it is at least warm, and I'm handed a cup of coffee by an officer. "You look beat. You should drink something. It can really help, you know." I glare at him, saying, "When can I leave? May I request a room to stay in or a plane ticket to get the fuck out of here?" He is clearly surprised by me saying fuck, after all, I'm a 12 year old kid looking like I just escaped hell, and I should probably be in a mental hospital by now. "Sure. Let's start that interview then."


"Julie Yebo."



"Who is it you were running from?"

"Jay Hisojo. Tall, dark hair, creepy smile, strong. Has several weapons and abused my sister and I."

"Who's your sister?"

"She's... d-d-. She's dead."

"What is her name, Julie?"


I said it. I admitted it; I could never get to see Nat again, be able to hug her, pretend to be a grown up with her, receive help and advice from her, nothing. I don't even have a grave for her where I can remember her. I sob, slamming my hand on the small table, and finally the interrogator is silent, allowing me to calm down. After several minutes, I compose myself. I describe everything, not holding back, and when I finish he pushes his glasses to the top of his head. "Well. That is quite a tale there, Missy. Are you sure your memory isn't playing any tricks on you?". "I wish I was dreaming. This happened, and nothing I ever do can bring her back."


I wake up in the hospital bed, screaming as usual, and the nurse comes into the room, worry filling her light blue eyes. "Dear?" she asks. "Sorry. I'm fine. Bad dream." I lean on the pillow, which is soaked with tears, the normal with this memory, and she nods and walks out. I sink my head onto the pillow, staring at the swirls in the ceiling. I am overcome with my guilt, 10 years later. I miss Nat, wonder what she would be up to if she was here, what job she would have. But I left her, chose myself over her, let her take the fall so I could live my pathetic life. The tears run again, and I don't give a damn anymore. I need Nat, and I can't even talk to her or tell her how much she meant to me. 

-------- (HANNAH'S POV)

"Julie?" I ask, seeing her in the bed with mini waterfalls flowing down her face. Her head snaps up, giving her at least whiplash with that speed, and she wipes her cheeks. I have no idea why she'd even try with those waterfalls, all she did was get her hand soaking wet. "What's wrong Julie? Did they screw up the procedure?". "No," she replies in between a small sob, "I just had a...nightmare. Come sit with me" she says, patting the bed. I comply, sitting almost on top of her, and she whispers in my ear, "Hannah, I'll explain later. But I need to focus on something other than my guilt. Please, let me kiss you." This is not Julie at all. How horrifying is this dream she has? I have no idea, and she turns my head towards hers and kisses me. There is no heat, only desperation. She's trying to hang onto the real world, and she grabs my hair, acting in a frenzy. After a few more seconds, I pull away, looking into her red-rimmed eyes. "Julie. I'm here for you. Talk to me baby. I'll stay here for the rest of my life if you need me to." With this decleration, she bursts into tears and I hold her, stroking her hair and hugging her tight.

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