Chapter 1

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     New country, new life, new start. I am Mazekeen Smith. If you haven't read the description, I am starting a new life for myself here in Sydney, Australia. Anywho, I had just woken up to my beautiful sounding alarm at 6:30 in the fucking morning so I'll be able to get ready for the start of my first day in Norwich High. I started getting ready by going to the bathroom and did my usual business there and walked out with a towel clutched closely to my damp body. 

what to wear, what to we-OH, I picked out some black skinny jeans, with a black crop-top. I'm not really like those fake plastic barbies, oh no, I'm not a bright person and I think you've come to realize that as my choice of cloth- wear. I trailed down the stairs and found my way to the kitchen and fixed myself for a bowl of cereal, munching down on the spoon full of frosted flakes and milk. I put my bowl in the sink knowing I'm going to have to do them later when I get back home. Putting on my worn-down shoes, I fleed the house and was on my way to Hell. School, I meant school. 

My walk there was pretty short, so it wasn't that bad. I entered the school's gates and took in my surroundings. Eyes were staring down on me, basically trying to 'figure out' the 'new girl'. Rolling my eyes, I ended up finding the main office -I may have gotten lost here and there but let's not talk about that- and enter once I heard a 'come in' through the door after I had knocked. 

"Hello, what may I help you with?" an old lady said, her accent very thick.  "Yea, I'm new here and I kinda need my schedule for the year. Please." I replied to her, trying to be nice. 

"Ok hunny wait for a moment I will get you your papers and you can be on your way to class, ok?" I gave her a small smile, with a curt nod and sat down patiently. Technically, me and 'patience' do not mix very well. I kinda have some anger issues so let's hope I can pass this year without any trouble since I've promised him. Five minutes had passed and I was becoming to be restless, but my prayers had been answered and the lady came back with some papers. She handed them to me and I was sent on my merry way. I looked down and read my schedule to my self. 

First Period: History 

Second Period: Calculus

Third Period: Biology

Free Period

Fourth Period:  English

Fifth Period: P.E

Free Period

Sixth: Spanish 4

End Of School

Nice. I was always good with History. While I walked down the full corridor, I somehow ended up bumping into something. Or more rather someone, in this case, knocking me to the ground and having them stumble back a bit. Few gasps and whispers had left some peoples mouths, forcing me to look up at the dick that knocked me down. 

"Watch it bitch" he sneered. Rolling my eyes as I got up and glared coldly at him. "How about you watch the fuck where you are going, dickhead." I shot back. More gasps and whispers rang through the halls. I took my chance to analyze him. He's pretty tall compared to me, his blonde hair was swooped in a quiff. lowering my eyes more and noticed a lip ring was piercing his bottom lip. I noticed his tattooed covered arms, then raised my eyes back up to see his eyes. They're so blue, like the ocean. But, they held anger, hatred. 

"Listen here doll, watch where you're going or you'll be living through hell" a boy that has behind the douche, he seemed really pale. He has Bright red hair and an eyebrow piercing, hm cute. haha jk. If only he knew,

I raised a brow, about to give a witty comeback but I was cut off by the principal. "What is going on here!" his voice boomed through the halls, echoing making everyone shut up. "Go to your classes, GO! Hemmings come with me, you too." He shouted everyone scurried there way to their destined classes as he pointed to me as well. I rolled my eyes again being the tenth time today and followed them both to the office. What a great way to start a new day right?

"You both know why you're here correct?" Mr. Johnson asked us sternly. He continued, "Luke, this is your 14th time here this week. I'm starting to think that I should suspend you", Luke, so that's his name. 

"And you, Miss Smith, you've just started here and already you somehow ended up here in my office. I know your history, as I am also a family friend I'll give you a warning. Do not make me regret this decision, go." the look on Hemmings' face was more than priceless. I smirked and left the office going to my second class as I just missed the first one. Oh well. 

The day dragged on then soon lunch came around. The cafeteria was extremely full but became very quiet when I walked through the doors. I scanned the room trying to find a vacant table, and eventually, I did. I sat down and began to eat my lunch. But of course, I was rudely interrupted by a group of girls sashaying their way to me. 

"Awe look, she's eating on her own." Her voice annoys me. Her bleached hair is very stiff and just straight up dead from the roots to her ends. 

"Listen, I don't know who you are, nor do I care but leave me alone so there won't be a problem got it?" I faked my smile bitterly. "Oh, you think it's that easy to get rid of me don't you?" she and her little possey snickered. "Watch your back Whore" and they finally left. Thank god, I was about to lash out. And the day continues. After English -Which was boring- and I was off to my P.E class. I changed my clothes and got in my gym wear, which is just leggings, a sports bra and a pair of Nike sneakers. 

Everyone was waiting outside so like any normal student, I followed the crowd. We all waited for the teacher for about, maybe 3 minutes she came outside. "Alright, let's get started. Do your warm-ups with 10 push-ups, go!" Ms. Gibbs shouted, everyone, obeying well most of them anyways. I did was told finishing quickly as I have more strength than most normal people. Don't worry, I'll explain in another chapter. I'm just not ready to share with anyone. Some students started to notice and began to stare. I shook it off and continued the warm-up. 

The day went on and I was finally able to go home. Stopping by my locker, I grabbed the things I needed to take home and stuffed the ones that I didn't really need to bring back. I closed it, only to be met by a face that held a scowl. "Thought you are getting away that easy, huh?" 

"Listen, Hemmings, you do not at all scare me one bit. Stop acting all tough because you know nothing about me, so I suggest that you get out of my way so I can go home." I'm starting to get aggravated. He just doesn't stop, does he? "Oh, you got a feisty one, Luke." The curly hair guy said behind him. "Ashton, get Micheal and Calum I'm going to have a chat with this one," Luke said, his eyes barring into my hazel green eyes and his smirk seem mischievous but I still held my ground. Ashton left to get the other two people and we were left here, standing by my locker basically having a staring contest. A minute had gone by and I was getting impatient. 

"What do you want Hemmings? And make it quick, I don't like wasting my time," 

"Watch your tone with me, you might regret it" he spoke in frustration. Huh, I guess it's one of my perks. "Stay out of my way, as Micheal said, we can make your life hell," rolling my eyes at him I sneered back, "I do as I please, I've been through a whole lot worse than you think, so as I had said before, get. out. of. my. way, before I do something I will regret," he moved to the side and I slipped away from him. I can feel his glare like he's trying to burn me with his eyes. Ha, if only he knew I'm immune to fire. This day had been very eventful, I thought as I walked back to my home. 

OKUUUURRRRRRR. Lmao ok ok I'll stop, but yea here is the first chapter. I hope y'all like it, I tried to make it a long chapter and I hope I can be able to do that for each chapter ha. So, there will be gaps in this story because that main character has a secret, maybe you guys had figured it out idk but I'm not going to reveal it till later in this story. So yea, uhm I'll be back soon but I'm going to work on the second chapter till then, so see ya loves ciao!

xoxo - E

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