[2] Stranger with my Lunch

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[2] Stranger with my Lunch

I woke up to the feeling of someone poking my nose. I groaned and turned over, snuggling into the warm embrace of the heavy blankets. There was a dip in the bed where the person was sitting.

“Y/N,” grunted a voice. “Y/N, wake up.”

“...no…” I moaned, trying to stay under the blankets.

“Y/N, if you’re not awake and out of my room on the count of five, I’m just going to get dressed in front of you, alright?”

“...whatever…” He sighed.

“5…” I didn’t budge. “...4…” I snuggled deeper into the pillows. “...3…” I ignored him, just wanting to sleep. “...2…” I wasn’t moving. “...1…” No way in hell was I leaving that bed. “You asked for it.” I felt the dip in the bed lift as the person stood up. I yawned and began sitting up. I opened my eyes and saw…

My cheeks went red. Arkin was standing at the foot of the bed, removing his long sleeve striped pajama shirt. His pale chest wasn’t too muscular, but not flabby. His body looked young, like a teenager. I jumped out of the bed and fell to the floor, grabbing my backpack and retreating to the bathroom.

I dressed myself and pulled on my converse that had been hiding in my backpack and I left the apartment, ready for the day. Arkin wasn’t out yet, so I pulled a sticky note out of my backpack and wrote on it.

Thank you for everything. I don’t think I care ever repay you, but I must be off now. Thank you very much and have a nice day.

I raced out of the apartment building, past my apartment where I could hear Dad and Starla screeching at each other and the sound of a vase being thrown at a wall, and out the front door of the building. I raced for the public bus stop, barely missing it and paying for the ride with my bus pass which was hidden in my bookbag.

I rode the bus to the high school, being met with the view of the school doors, almost being torn apart by the horde of hormones trying to force their masses through the doors. I sighed and walked calmly behind them.

The bell for first hour rang as I got inside, so I skipped my locker and went straight to my class on the second floor. My first hour was English. The bubbling and shouting kids didn’t even notice my entrance. I sat down in the seat in the corner at the front of class next to a window, looking at the parking lot below.

I opened my computer on my desk, opening my wattpad account and looking over my reads, votes, and followers. Both stayed at an even zero. Nobody read what I wrote, no matter what I wrote. I didn’t care much, I just wanted to write.

I opened a story I had just been starting, called ‘Henry and Juniper’. Henry was a sweetheart, and Juniper was a bad boy. It was a gay love story, and I was on the 22nd chapter. Suddenly, my computer was slammed shut as a girl rushed to lean over the window over my desk. She had a pink cased phone pressed against her ear.

“Oh my god, Marie, I see him!” exclaimed the girl, Emma. “He’s so cute!” Her nose was pressed against the glass of the window. Her hand that wasn’t holding her phone was pressing my computer down. I tried pushing her away, and she glared at me.

“You’ll break my computer,” I said as her glare intensified.

“Hey! I’m on the phone! Don’t be bitchy, Amy." I groaned, looking away.

“My name’s not Amy,” I muttered.

“Oh my god, Marie!” Emma screeched as more girls surrounded me and the window to look at the mystery man. Suddenly, some girl shoved my face into the glass, and I was forced to look out the window at the man in the parking lot.

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