[5] Stranger with a Psycho

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[5] Stranger with a Psycho
Arkin’s POV

I woke up one morning with my face buried in Y/N’s hair. Usually, my mind ran at 100 miles an hour, but she helped me calm down. I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but she made me feel… human. Like I wasn’t a monster.

Y/N had been living with me for almost two weeks, and we had fallen into a schedule. We’d wake up, get dressed, I’d drive her to school, I’d come home, I’d work for eight hours or so, I’d go pick Y/N up from school, then we’d have dinner and play (favorite video game) for a few hours before getting ready for bed. We had also gotten used to sharing a bed. I mean, it was big enough, and Y/N didn’t take up much space, not that I cared or anything. She could take the entire bed if she wanted.

As I was saying, I woke up with my face in Y/N’s hair and her face buried in my chest while her arms were draped over my torso. I let go of her gently, and after a while I finally moved her sleeping form off of me so that I could leave the room. As I did, however, I knew something was off.

I walked into the living room, and the faint smell of lilacs drifted to my nose. The door was closed, but unlocked, the pillow on the couch was moved over about a half centimeter, and a window was cracked open. I heard the small sound of bare feet hitting the floor as someone exited the restroom behind me. The hair on the back of my neck stood up.

“‘Ello, Arkin,” said a female with a scottish accent. I didn’t dare turn around. I knew exactly who it was. All the signs pointed to it being Ada Christo. “What? No kiss for old times sake?” I cringed, and heard the gentle sound of the springs of my bed creak. This is not a good time, Y/N.

I turned around hesitantly, and came face to face with a ginger woman. She was shorter than me, with long curled red hair, the same shade of mine, and green eyes, also the same shade of mine. She was just shorter than Y/N. She wore a pair of shorts with leggings underneath, a t-shirt, and a large red sweatshirt. Her pale bare feet touched the floor gently, and her pale pink lips were in a fant smirk.

“Ada,” I stated coldly. She pouted her lower lip out.

“What, no attempt to kill me yet, Arkin? You’re getting slow.” Arkin scoffed as the short woman laughed, running her hand through her hair. She paused for a moment. “And you’ve started wearing Old Spice… and Strawberry scented shampoo?” I scoffed, noticing how uncomfortable the sound made her. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her clench her fist.

“Ada, the strawberry shampoo isn’t mine,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. “You know me better than that.” She cocked her head to the side in confusion.

“Then who-” I laughed coldly. She raised her eyebrows and smirked. “A lady friend, eh? Moved on so quickly, my dear.” Just at the wrong moment, Y/N peeked her head around the corner, looking at us. I made the mistake of glancing in her direction quickly, because Ada noticed this and turned on her heels. Her eyes landed on Y/N who was halfway out the door.

“Arkin?” asked Y/N, hesitantly. Y/N looked at me, a worried look in her eyes.

“Well, well, well,” Ada snarked, turning on her heels and crossing her arms over her large flubbery chest. Ada had always been rather short and yet larger than most people her age. She was also, like me, smarter than most people. Henceforth she, like me, had a mind that ran at 100 miles an hour. Unlike me, she could work through the muddled mess and understand. Only difference was she couldn’t take in as much information at a time.

Ada turned around and smirked at me. Y/N hid her body behind the door frame, a blush creeping up her cheeks. I had noticed this the previous night, but the thought seemed to be dawning on her just now. Y/N was wearing nothing besides some underwear and one of my large t-shirts. That also meant Ada was putting things together that weren’t there.

“You’re one sick fuck, Arkin,” Ada said, a devilish grin on her face and her hands resting on her hips. I scoffed and she cringed again.

“As if you’re one to talk. Either way, it’s not what you think.”

“Yeah, sure. It’s never what people think. But it always ends like that. We would no best, right Arkin?” I rolled my eyes and leaned against the wall as Y/N attempted to retreat into my room. “No, no, no. Don’t you leave, kiddo. You have some explaining to do.”

“You don’t have to answer any of her questions, Y/N,” I intervened. Y/N looked rather overwhelmed. I wonder what it’s like in a head so small like Y/N’s. Ada smirked at Y/N, who looked as though she wanted to curl into a small ball and disappear.

“Looks like Arkin’s got a weakness,” Ada sang teasingly. I rolled my eyes and stood up straight.

“Should I begin to tell the story of your sweet Meredith, Ada?” Ada shot me a glare, then turned back to Y/N, a smug glare on her face. “Ada, I believe it’s time for you to take your leave.” I could tell she was smirking from behind.

“Well, didn’t you used to say I never knew when to leave?”

“Well, you did make the mistake of staying in New York.” She turned around with a cruel look on her face and an evil smirk on her lips.

“I didn’t make the mistake of sleeping with an adolescent.” Y/N, seemed extremely confused and very naked in a t-shirt, my t-shirt, and her underwear.

“We didn’t sleep together,” Y/N said quickly, and for just a moment, all of her fear and confusion melted away to show an adult standing her ground against Ada. The mask of the confused 15 year old was quickly replaced by another one. Ada turned back to Y/N.

“Well, well, well. Arkin, you picked a brave one.” Ada tapped her chin with her hand on her hip. “Let’s see if this pans out the way you want it to.” I glared at Ada one last time and she whipped her long hair over her shoulder. “I’ll give you this, though. You did pick a cute one.” I glared more powerfully at her as she walked past me.

Ada shoved her way out the door without another word, leaving the scent of lilacs filling my senses. Y/N, still wearing nothing besides my tshirt and her underwear, retreated into my… no, our, room to get dressed for the day as I started making breakfast. As soon as she was dressed, Y/N came out of our room and looked at me with a confused look on her face.

“Um, Arkin?” they asked.

“Yes, Y/N?” I asked, flipping their omelette I was making for them.

“Who… who was that girl?” I smirked gently, and shrugged.

“Ada Christo. And old… let’s say friend.” Y/N shrugged and leaned against the counter beside me, a puzzled look on their face.

“Why did she break into your apartment?”

“Our apartment, Y/N,” I said making a small smile appear on her face. “And because, Ada is… an absolute psycho.” I turned to Y/N, whose head was cocked to the side. “If she ever approaches you without me nearby, run for the hills or…” I paused.

Kill her.”

What the hell, Arkin? How do you know Ada? Comment what you think the history between them Is!

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