Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Annmaree Henley

I know one thing for sure and that is, that we never planned on living our lives this way. Of course we would still be friends in the mere future. We never planned that we would comfort each other and be there for each other every single day of it.

Now that we are together every single day the time has flown by in what seems like mere weeks. Now it is our turn to celebrate the end of school and the start of our new career’s in filming ‘cause we are on our way moving to Los Angeles.

“touch me, stroke my back, hold me like a baby and I will do anything for you.” Tonight I have my own little surprise for Jessie and I know that we are ready for it. I know this because we have been talking about it for the last couple of weeks. I believe that we can do it again. Except I don’t know what he’ll say bout my scar cause he hasn’t seen it before.

While sitting at the table I suddenly stood up and moved closer to him and draped my legs around his torso. I wrapped my arms around his neck. His testosterone must have kicked in cause not a minute later he was pulling me up against his body with his pelvis right up against mine. He kissed me eagerly  and took me to the couch.

I managed to pull myself away from him and pulled him into my room and pushed him onto the bed. After a couple of minutes with me on top we rolled over so that he was on top and pushing me into the bed. I  relaxed into what is always the best physical activity with him since we were young. We kissed like that for awhile.

Not twenty minutes later we were on the wet sheets clinging to each other. His body and lips took control of mine and every touch felt like an electric current was alive where our bodies pressed together. when I tried to relieve myself from the explosion of every single current running through, he slid up my body and put an arm under to prop me up and closer to him while the other was holding onto my waist.

I was shaking beneath him, muscles tensing all over my body, he slid his hand in between our bodies and caressed  my chest while sliding up and down me. He slid up me one last time which was like having the totally best ecstasy moment in my life so far and pulled me over the edge.

I must say that I really liked it, it was better then the first time by a mile away. Meanwhile about a hundred black roses were growing like crazy. They needed to be trimmed but we were too busy cause we were busy growing in each other ourselves. So we didn’t notice the roses just yet.

Then out of the blue he asked me “Dawn, where did you get that scar across your chest?” I tried to remember, then it just hit me like a meteor that just fell straight out of the sky and hit me on the head. “um, yeah… Jessie I don’t think that I would be able to tell you. I mean I would love to tell you but it was so hard on me and I was not aloud to tell anyone else, so it has frightened the shit out of me ever since.”

“I actually stopped hanging out with the in crowd to pull myself out ov the spotlight so that no one would ask what happened.” we both said nothing for awhile. We were so caught up in playing with each other, that we started to kiss again and again and again starting at my earlobe all the way down to my lips. Finally I gave in again and jumped on top ov him, opening his mouth with my tongue and getting it on again.

When we finished it took a couple ov minutes for us to catch our breath from our last session. Then he asked me again but he added “Dawn, you know that I would never make you cry, hurt you or leave you? don’t you? There is absolutely no way I am going to back out on you or our relationship for as long as I live.

 We belong together and there is nothing anyone can do or say to change that and what I feel about you. So can you please tell me baby. I do not want go on living my life without you, just going one day now hurts me to death, without you by my side I would probably go crazy.”

After another minute I sat up crossed my legs and faced him. I took a deep breath in through my nose and out through my lips. And started. Before I had finished saying the first word, he stood up pulling me with him and put my hands on his chest. With his other hand he cupped my chin in it and turned it upward, looking me in the eyes I took that opportunity to go up on my toes and kissed him on the lips. He kissed me back so feverishly and so long just to remind me that he will be going nowhere without me.

He sat down on the bed and pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me in comfort. Then I started talking “It happened back when we were ten years old and a couple ov days after you left. I was walking home by myself cause mama was away on a business trip. So I decided to go through the park cause it was shorter.”

He kissed me again, oh for a couple ov seconds. “The next thing I knew was that this guy came up from behind me and pulled me into the bushes.. Holding a knife to my throat he barged me onto the ground. He ripped off my pants and my shoes  and put them in some leaves, then he tore off my top and rapped me.

I closed my eyes hoping that it would be over soon. When he did finish he slashed my chest and said if I went to anyone about this he would keep coming back for me. When he left I grabbed my stuff and went further into the bushes. I never went home until the day mama was on her flight back and I took a shower.”

When I as done he pulled me in close to his chest  and tightened  his grip around me and kissed the top ov my hair. Then he said “Dawn, it was not your fault that some disgusting person came and chose you . These people they pry on smaller people, to get what they want and I’m so sorry that it was you.

 I just wished that you would have called me to come back for a couple ov days so that I could protect you from those kind ov people. I will not go around telling anyone about this, I will keep a secret as if it were my own. And I will never bring it up again cause I can see how hard it is for you to bring it up, even for me.” "I know i just felt so dirty and filthy, i washed myself for hours on end thinking thati was still dirty knowing that he had done this to me. A little girl back then, it just makes me so sick"

When he kissed me again I felt like there was this kind ov twinge in it like he was never going to let me go. I felt really safe in his arms and it made me feel like we would be like this to each other forever. That maybe some day soon we would get married. Every time I look at him he is always smiling up at me but when it is not me he uses the smile he used to just to get by.

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