Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to Elaine Jenkins

So he turned around and looked again, at just that moment Elle was just under him and came up just in front of him. While they were just centimetres apart, they were staring at each other, the next minute happened fast then abruptly slow. Firstly he put his arms out and pulled her into his embrace, until they were touching everywhere. Secondly he took his hands up around her chin and while cupping her face kissed her lips very lightly and slow so that it could last.

Before they knew it, they were moving towards the tree roots. When they stopped just before getting there cause Elle had let go of his hand and was treading water a few metre’s back. When Declan got back to her, he grabbed her hand but she pulled it away and moved closer to him. They started kissing again and Elle reached down to his boardies and took them off, while wiggling out of her own. Before he had a chance to pull back, Elle moved back up against him.

Suddenly they found like a root swirled around in the shape of a seat, not too deep but not too high either. So Declan sat down and Elle put her hands on either side of his neck and kissed him, shifting slightly over him… he groaned and Elle could feel him hardening up under her. He tasted and felt so good she just couldn’t resist.

Declan moved his hands around her slowly and undid her bikini top in one swift movement. He let his hands slide down her abdomen, as if she could read his mind she pulled herself up and forward onto him. The shock of having all of him inside of her was enough to bring her back down to earth. Then they locked fingers in each others hair at the back to keep each other in place.

Then “This. Is. So. What. I. Want. And. Need.” Elle gasped. A few minute’s later Declan said “Good cause watching you the last couple of hours since you got here, I have not been able to control myself in your presence. At dinner I just wanted to go around the table and kiss the breath right out of you.

Just after saying that he pulled her down into a slow deliberate kiss, while still being inside of her and not moving. Then suddenly she rocked backward then forward and feeling the sensations of her movements blaze through her from her head to her feet. She rode up and then plunged down over him and they both grasped.

She worked it all the way until just before they had orgasms, then slowed and changed the rhythm, not wanting to stop this moment too soon. It wasn’t much longer until she lost total control over her body… moving faster and faster until they grasped each others name, barely able to speak. A moment later she fell back onto him and the water pushing her against him with the help of his arms coming around her, holding her tight.

About twenty minutes later they were back on the bank of the billabong laying next to each other holding hands. Declan propped himself up on his right elbow and lays a hand on Elle’s abdomen area then on the ground of the other side of her then pulled himself up and onto her. Not ten minutes latter they heard two sets of horse riding down, so they got back into their swimmers and started splashing water again.

When the horses got closer, they saw that it was only Declan’s siblings.When the horses got closer, they saw that it was only Declan’s siblings. That they were coming down for a swim as well, they got off of their horses and dived in and come up to air in our circle. They say “Papa wants you two to go up to the homestead. He needs to talk to you about the muster tomorrow. Um… Elle… it looks like you two will be rounding up together.” that made them smile and head out of the water.

Once they got back into their clothes, they got back on the horses and rode for a little bit towards the homestead. When they were out of the light’s of the Billabong they slowed down and held hands while trotting. When they got to the stables, they took the saddles off and the bridle from their mouths and put them back in the stalls.

After that they walked hand in hand up to the homestead to find Tim. After looking in the bar they went into the study and they found him and Dawn talking about whose going to be with who tomorrow at sun up. When Tim notices Elle and Declan he says “come and have a sit!” then he sees and there is only one seat. Before he goes to get another chair Declan sits down and pulls Elle onto his lap, and Elle drapes her legs over the left arm rest.

Dawn and Tim sit at the other end of the table on their own chairs and they get to work. About an hour and a half later they are finished and they all leave by going to get another drink before they go their separate ways. So Elle gets up and waits for Declan to get up and he opens the door for her and Dawn followed by his old man.

On the way Dawn and Tim talk about what they have been doing since they left school and Declan pulls Elle aside and they start making out again but it all happened too quick because no later than two minutes after they started kissing Tim yelled out to them to hurry up.

When they were speaking on the way through the door Elle says “Cheverly’s dead but your still kinda hot and thank you. You make it seem like there is still hope for the men in this world and our generation and hopefully those still to come.” “aw shooks, that is probably one of the weirdest compliments that I have ever received or overheard”.

Dawn over hearing this is surprised that her daughter knows all about this stuff. Even though they hardly have spoken about what happened at school in about two years. To know that her daughter is sounding a bit like Jessie every single day is also making her happy. “don’t they remind you of our high school days? Seeing them together is like being back in high school when Jessie used to do those things for you”

“aw… don’t I know it. It also reminds me of the days where you and Jessie wouldn’t let anyone near me and if they did you two were ready as hell to get into a punch up just for the sake of keeping me safe. Tim you have raised a good boy right there, although he is acting like he is from another century he is the right kind of man that I want hanging around and even going out with my baby girl.”

Then Elle goes up to Dawn and goes “what?… you’re telling me that daddy and Tim were ready as hell to get into a punch up just for the sake of you, mama?… WOW that is truly remarkable and amazing. How come this is the first time I’ve ever heard of this story?”

“well because we were trying to show you the right way by not telling you about all the fights that we got into when we were all at school. Even ask Tim, it wasn’t a pretty sight.” “Tim?…” “hay, slow down. Don’t get me involved with that and I don’t want Declan to hear any of this stuff. We try to keep the past in the past here. That means all that crazy stuff that happened back then too, okay Dawn.” “okay, I guess. My lips are sealed…”

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