Public Enemy Number One

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(While Nadakhan schemes to steal the Realm Chrystal, the fugitive ninjas are pursued by Ronan, who has been hired by the police to track them down.)

Season Six: Episode Two
Words: 1.1k

"A place of peace, a place to fight, a brotherhood born on one fateful night," I mumbled to myself as I flew on Alastair. "What could it mean?"

Alastair gave a heavy huff, his head tilting to the left. "The old monastery... you're right! Come on!"


I flew up next to Kai's dragon. "So it is the monastery." He gave a nod, both of us jumping off our dragons. Lloyd walked up to me for a small hug. "I'm glad you're safe."

Zane, Cole, Nya, and Jay joined right behind us, their dragons disappearing as they hopped onto the ground.

"Seriously? I was the last one to figure out it was Wu's old monastery," Jay groaned.

"It'll only be a matter of time before they find this place too, so there is much time," Lloyd explained. "Zane, show them what you found."

Zane walked over to a standing wall, putting up a screen. "I came across footage of Sensei at the Library of Domu."

We all crowd around the image.
"He was not alone."

The picture shows a cloud of smoke arise, but whoever is there became hidden from the camera. "What happened? Who was he looking at," Kai asked.

"Look, he's hidden from the cameras, so there's no way we can know what he looks like," I say, the image changing.

"The library database indicated he had checked out a book about the Teapot of Tyrahn. We originally thought this was Clouse's doing, but I believe it's far worse."

"What could be worse than Clouse," Jay asked.
"We may have a Djinn on our hands."
"A Djinn?"
"Like a genie, only when he grants you wishes, you'll be wishing you never met him," Nya says.

"Great, a very sneaky genie that has great power, what could go wrong," I groan. Zane walks over to Jay as the others make a group.

I sigh and run my hands through my hair, suddenly pausing. I feel my veins run cold and my hands freeze. I look up at them and see a dark color covering my skin.
"It's not real," I gasp shaking my head.
My regular color is back and I feel warm.
"It's all over, it's all over," I whisper.

"Then it's settled. Since we know so little about Djinns, we should head back to down and investigate more." Lloyd's words snap me back into reality.

Zane, Jay, and I join back with the group.
"Whoa, Wait. If we head back together, they'll arrest us on the spot. We need to split up," Cole says. I look at him and smile for no reason.

"But, whenever someone is alone with him, they suddenly disappear," Kai says.
"Then we travel in groups. Zane, my sister, and I go to the library," Lloyd says.

"Yeah, and Jay and I will look for clues at the scene of the crime where he framed us," Cole says. "Just like old times, right Jay?"
"Yeah, just like old times," Jay mumbles looking at Nya sadly

"Kai, you and your sister find out what else is out there. We need to clear out names and get Sensei back, and that means taking down this Djinn," I speak up.

"Meet back here at sunup, and take care of each other," Lloyd finishes, running with me and Zane by his side. We summon our dragons and fly off.


The last person leaves the library and the doors lock. The last guards leave. "Road clear," Lloyd says from a bookshelf. I come out from my spot and stand next to Zane.

"The book he was reading is still here," I say, pointing to the book. I watch out for the cameras, not wanting to get caught. "The footage of Sensei was caught by that camera."

"We don't want to be spotted. Hacking into the library's central computers now."
The camera goes down.

When the camera goes dark, we walk towards the book. I fix my hat and grab the book. "The Teapot of Tyrahn," Zane says. "The ancient markings on the side describe it's a powerful relic that can trap mortal."

"That may explain why people are suddenly disappearing," Lloyd says.
"Got any more info," I ask.

"Yes. Once a Djinn is freed from imprisonment, the only way to destroy his is by-" Zane gets cut off, going still.

"Zane," I ask, glancing at Lloyd. He shakes his head, shrugging. "Can you isolate the source," Zane asks, shaking before going quiet again.

"Zane, what's wrong," Lloyd asks, taking a step forward. I raise my hands slightly. "Why did you stop reading?"

Lloyd goes up to Zane, calling his name with no response. "Lloyd be careful," I warn, backing up.
"This doesn't seem right."

I hear the wiring of the camera as look up at it. It looks around and lands on Lloyd, then me. "I took the liberty to close off the wings, kids."
Ronan's voice comes through the speakers.

"Sis, come on," Lloyd grabs me and jumps behind a bookshelf.
"What was it you guys says? 'Reading is the first step to every adventure'?"

Lloyd points to a nearby window. "Sorry Zane, but we've got to get out of here." Suddenly the windows are locks with bars.
"Ugh, we're trapped," I growl. "Ronan, let us out!"

"Can't do that, you know it."
"We were framed. You know us, we wouldn't do any crimes," Lloyd shouts."
"You know me. I'm getting an awful lot to bring you guys in-" suddenly his voice is right next to us. "How's Nya? Boy, I missed her."

We start running. I hear lasers and jump as blue goo lands next to my feet. "We need to get out of here!"
He pulls me into a small corner. "Sis, hide, I'll take care of him."

I nod, trusting Lloyd. I let my smoke cover my hands and slowly dissolve into darkness.
"Let's make this easy, I'll take you two back to the station, you can answer their questions and clear your names."
I see Ronan run by.

I hear Lloyd grunting, them followed by Ronan shouting. Still invisible, I follow Ronan. Lloyd is on the floor with electrical rope around him.
"Where's your sister," Ronan asks, his gun pointing around him.

I take another step closer, becoming visible again. "Right here." As I jump towards Ronan, Lloyd shouts. "No!"
Suddenly I yell out as more rope is throw around me.  I'm flown to the ground and stuck in place. "Argh, you trickster!"

Ronan grabs my face. "Hey, pretty lady. Three down, four to go."

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