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(Falsely imprisoned, the ninjas meet a fellow captive who knows of a rare venom that can stop a Djinn like Nadakhan, but it's only found on one island.)

Season Six: Episode Three

We get lead into the prison, the chains around our ankles clanging together. The inmates bangs against their bars, yelling indistinctly.

Jay and Nya hold eachother, looking scared out of their minds. "Don't look scared," Cole says as the inmates scream 'fresh meat'.

"Don't mind them. They all get a little grouchy when they don't get their meat."
I share a look with Lloyd.

"Kryptarium Prison. We've been here before," Zane says. "But as guests, never inmates."
"First time for everything, I guess," I sigh, Kai hitting my shoulder. "Very funny, Y/n."

I hear Lloyd groan as he tries to get out of the handcuffs. "You can try, but those shackles are made out of vengestone. Pretty good for shutting down your powers and making sure you don't ghost out of here," the Warden says, playfully staring down Cole.

It seems that every cell we pass has someone in it that recognizes us. "We put so many of these guys in here," Nya says, recognizing a skeleton.

"Since you're celebrities, I took the liberty of taking you out of the general population."

Kai smirks. "Ha! Who doesn't love special treatment?"
The warden opens a door, "and placing you in the super mean and dangerous population."

Kai's smirk falls.
I roll my eyes. "What did you expect, we're in a prison."

I look around at the large room. Cells fill the wall and it seems it's only a few to a cell. The warden leads us up to the second floor.

"It's no problem. We'll do our time until all of this is straightened out," Lloyd says, leaning close to the warden. "We were framed!"

The man chuckles, looking back at us. "That's what they all say. Now get in your cell, inmates."
He reaches for his pockets, patting himself down.

"Darn it, I forgot my keys. Wait here while I go find them." He leaves us.

We all turn to look out into the room. Jay chuckles nervously. "At least their locked up."
As of on cue, every one of the doors open, the other inmates not hesitating to leave their cells, all headed our way.

One with a robotic eye and arm gets the closest. "Nifty gadget, you make that," Lloyd asks. I face palm.

"They call me The Mechanic. I've got a bone to pick with you." The other inmates cheer him on. Lloyd glares, realizing it's a threat.

"That's one more bike that you've got in your entire arm," he retorts. "Let me guess, you don't have much of a spine either."

"I used to work with Chen but when you put in our of business, you put me out of business," The Mechanic says, getting close to Lloyd. Zane bumps into my shoulder as he gets in front of Lloyd.

"Then by my observations, that was your own error," he says. The mechanic seems to scan Zane, mocking him, "by my observations, action have consequences that you have to pay."

He reaches forward for Zane. "This nindroid here has spare parts that I could use."
I push forward, putting Zane behind me. "You touch him and you'll find yourself needing a new arm," I growl, huffing the hair that fell into my face.

"Got my keys!"
Lloyd pulls me back as the warden sorts in between us and the Mechanic.
"Come on, shake hands and be friends," the warden says enthusiastically.

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