The Invitation

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(After discovering that Zane may still be alive, the ninja learn that they must compete in a Tournament if Elements if they wish to see him again. (Y/n) keeps her distance from the ninja.)

Season Four: Episode One
Words: 1.0k

"Cut! That's was perfect! Take ten and be back." The produced hands me a bottle of water. I head back into my trailer.

"The team need you now more than ever." I hear my brother's voice behind me. "Lloyd, I said no," my voice starts to crack. I begin to breathe heavily. I didn't want to do this to him.

"Ninjago need us," I hear him beg from behind me.
"There is no us! There is no us without Zane. Don't you get that?" I took a step towards him. I've never yelled like this, but the loss of our brother has put all this weight on me.

"Forget it, Lloyd. I just can't." I drop my head to the floor, trying to hold back tears. "Sis, Ninja don't act, they fight. You know where I'll be if you change your mind." He looks into my eyes, I see tears well up.

I hated doing this to him. "I'm sorry Lloyd." I fix my hair, walking back to set. I start to breath heavily as the set starts to shake, it was going to break.

I hear the other actors scream as it starts to fall. I jump over to the and put up a shield of darkness around us, protecting us from the set. "Sis, please."


As I step into Chen's noodle house I shift my hood over my face, keeping it hidden as I take a seat across from the ninja.

I didn't want to stay away from them, but I couldn't handle them seeing me. It was a lot for us after Zane died. We all separated, it was terrible.

I tilt my head towards the ringing of the bell as Kai steps in.

"Maybe we should add someone new to our team," Lloyd says as i grab my head forcefully, a headache arising.
"(Y/n), doesn't seem keen on coming back. And Zane isn't here."

"Are you crazy?"
"Zane is irreplaceable!"
"And, (Y/n)! No!" My hands loosen on my hood as Cole's words sound so genuine.
I contains myself enough to not jump from my seat, shouting things to Lloyd.

I slump into my arms the headache in my head getting worse. "Hey, are you okay?" I tilt my head up, using my hair to cover my face as Cole  steps to my seat.

I give a deadpanned look, shifting down into a more comfortable position with my head on the table.

Suddenly the doors open harshly, in coming a group of people with purple tattoos. The boys instantly get to their feet as they start attacking them.

As stand up straight, getting out of my seat as one comes up to me. "What?" My head snaps to the side as they punch my cheek, discreetly placing a fortune cookie near me.

As I turn to attack I see no one in front of me. I glance down as the cookie and open it.

Dear, (Y/n) Garmadon
If you wish to ever see your friend Zane again, come to the pier at midnight, leave your weapons behind. Master Chen has requested you join his Tournament of Elements. If this message is shared you will suffer greatly.

I gasp heavily, running out and around the corner as the other run out after the thugs. They see the shrine the thugs put up and read the fortune cookies.

In an instant the fortunes disappear with smoke in the ninja's hands. First Jay, then Kai. Lloyd. Cole,

"Crap," I shout too loudly as I jump as it disappears in my hand. I try to run but Lloyd's voice stops me. "Sis, you came."

"I...I didn't know you were here," I try to lie, only resulting in stuttering over my words. "Stop lying. We know this could be a lie but we're going to check it out," Cole steps forward, trying to place a hand in my shoulder. "We'd appreciate if you'd come with us, you're part of the team."

I jumped back as he touches my shoulder. "I-I don't know."


"The tournament of elements," I hear Kai say as I slid the mask of the suit Borg gave to me. I looked around.

I saw the boys and many others who looked unique. "They all have elemental powers," I whisper to myself as I catch the eye of my father.

This huge boat pulls up and the people on it set down a plank of wood, allowing us to get on. "What are you doing here, daughter?"

"I got an invitation from Master Chen, the others are here too." He stops to stare at me. "You were with them?"

I give a hard shake of my head, walking on board. "Hello, Ms. Garmadon," someone says to me, getting the attention of Lloyd and the others. "(Y/n)? You came!"

I quickly shove the person who said my name and walk over to the edge of the boat.


"Who's she," Kai asks after my father has showed them around. I stand next to a girl in a light amber colored robe.

Someone with these metal fists come up to us and grab her. "Hey! She can handle herself," I say loudly as Kai catches the attention of the man. Kai gives me a look of surprise, so does the girl.

"Karlof cold." The metal hands guy says. I look back and see the others being held back by Garmadon as Kai and Karlof start to fight.

Kai they fight they knock down the girl next to me. "Here," I say holding out my hand for her to grasp. "(Y/n)."

She doesn't grab my hands and pull herself to her feet. "Skylor." I watch as Kai basically gets pummeled. Before 'Clouse' as my father says stops them. "Sorry, I don't wanna let my powers out."

Skylor helps Kai up before covering her face and turning to me.

"We're here."

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