Part 1: The Island

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The detectives and uniformed officers took their places as Captain Raymond Holt entered the briefing room. Jake Peralta and his wife Amy Santiago looked at each other in surprise, seeing that their captain had a huge smile taped across his face. This was unusual for Captain Holt, who, in Jake's words, would generally act like a robot. Often, it was impossible to tell what he was thinking because of this. Curious about his rare behavior, Jake asked his captain why he was so happy for once. Amy winced, expecting Holt's mood to change because of Jake's comment, but the captain simply told him that he would bring it up later.

Half an hour later, when the briefing was over, Captain Holt asked that the detective squad and Amy, patrol sergeant, stay seated.

"Detectives, I have some good news for you." He said, an hint of excitement in his voice. "This morning I received a letter in the mail for a free trip to a small island for a group of five to ten people. I thought it would be an interesting outing for us to do together during spring break week, if you are interested. "

"I would love to!" Charles Boyle started. "I've been begging Genevieve to go on a trip just the two of us but she doesn't want to leave Nikolaj alone with a babysitter, but I know that's just an excuse because she really doesn't want to go and..."

"Shut up, Boyle." Rosa Diaz interrupted. "We would love to go Captain."

"Captain" Amy started, raising her hand. "Are you sure that you can trust this 'letter'. Isn't it a little suspicious that you would get a free trip?"

"I agree with Amy" Sergeant Terry Jeffords added. "I'm not going to mentally prepare to leave my kids for a week if it's all going to be a scam!" He exclaimed.

"Guys. If Captain Holt wants to take us on a free trip, let him. But Capt., there will be free food there too, right?" Michael Hitchcock asked in between chews of his sandwich.

"Indeed, Hitchcock" Holt said, some of his happiness drifting away at the sight of the bald man eating.

"YES!!!" Hitchcock and Norm Scully yelled in unison at the back of the room, the contents of their sandwiches spilling out as they raised their fists.

" To answer your question, Santiago, the trip was a prize for a dog video Kevin and I sent to a site a few weeks ago. I have to admit, it was hard to resist showing off all of Cheddar's tricks. I think the 'play dead' trick guaranteed our win. When Cheddar wants to look dead, he looks DEAD" Holt proudly said to Amy.


"We aren't forgetting anything, Ames." Jake told his wife as she read out her list of things they needed to bring on their trip in three hours.

"Wait, Jake. Do you have your sunglasses? I don't want you borrowing mine again like last summer." Amy continued her list, ignoring Jake's plead for her to stop.

"Amy we already looked through everything twice, we don't need to check again. Also, I put my sunglasses on my head so I definitely won't forget them." Jake said, pointing to his forehead.

"Babe, your sunglasses are not on your head... I really need you to concentrate! I can't do this on my own!!!" Amy retorted, her anxiety getting the best of her.

"Whoops." Jake said, looking around their room and finally finding the sunglasses under the bed and putting them on. "Sorry, honey. I promise I have everything else." He calmly said as he gave a soft kiss on the lips to the love of his life, making her smile.

"Fine. But if you forget anything, I will never let you pack your own stuff again" She threatened lovingly.

"I'll check my stuff again before we leave, babe. I promise" Jake said as he walked out of the room to get some juice.

"JAKE! HOW DID YOUR SUNGLASSES GET ON THE FLOOR AGAIN?" Amy shouted at her husband, but she couldn't help a laugh from escaping her as she saw the surprised look on his face.


When the eight detectives arrived at the place where their boat would be leaving for the island, the sun was shining bright and the sky was blue. Although the boat was small and uncomfortable, the island was located only half an hour away from the place of their departure. After all, it was an artificial island designed for short trips like these.

When the squad arrived at their destination, they were amazed to see this island. Aside from the buildings visible far away, and the house they would be inhabiting during their stay, it seemed as though they were completely consumed by nature, relaxation and happiness.

As they walked into the small mansion, their eyes wandered from the beautiful hall to the kitchen, and up the staircase. They were astonished. They quickly wandered up the stairs and settled themselves into their respective rooms, except for Hitchcock and Scully, who went to the kitchen straight away to explore what this magnificent building had to offer in terms of food. The guide quickly told them to go prepare their rooms, as he had a presentation ready for all of them, but Hitchcock and Scully had already eaten half of the food in the pantry.

When the two of them arrived in their rooms and started unpacking, a loud crackling noise in both their rooms startled them...

After half an hour, the guide who had brought the squad to the island requested the presence of all of the detectives in the living room. When, as far as they were concerned, everyone was seated, the guide put a recording on the television that played a video instructing them on their trip as he said goodbye and departed from the island.

After a few minutes, when the only people still paying attention were Amy and Holt, the relaxing video stopped, and the screen went black. All of a sudden, a loud crackling noise echoed from all the walls, and an unfamiliar voice started playing on a recording in the whole house.

"Hello detectives, I hope you have enjoyed your stay so far. If you are hearing this recording, it is because your relaxing trip has just become one far from relaxing. Indeed, you guys have probably noticed that one of your coworkers is no longer with you. "

The squad looked around, and soon realized that both Hitchcock and Scully were nowhere to be seen.

"Unfortunately," the voice continued " things are about to get worse. One by one, you will disappear, until none of you are left. If you contact land, the missing people will be killed, but you will stay on the island. It's your choice. Don't contact anyone, and you may see your coworkers again. I am watching you very carefully. Each evening at 11 PM, you should all be in your own rooms. You can come out at 7 AM. No one can sleep together. You can't stop your friends from disappearing, but if you do the right thing, you may be last one standing. Do something I don't like, and you will not stay here the night. LET THE GAME BEGIN!"

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