Part 3: The Danger is Real

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The five detectives looked at each other in shock as they realized the severity of the situation. The recording had clearly said it: "Do something I don't like, and you will not stay here the night." The kidnapper must not have liked the fact that Rosa picked up the phone. Luckily, since the phone had not been connected, preventing Rosa from calling land, the detectives hoped that Hitchcock and Scully had not been hurt or killed.

Looking at the cut cable of the phone, Amy wondered what could have possibly happened. "Did one of you cut the phone cable?" She asked, breaking the silence in the room.

The detectives all responded by shaking their heads or saying "No". Amy then wondered what motive the kidnapper would have to put a phone with a cut cable. "Was it a test?" She wondered. She kept these thoughts to herself for now.

Interrupting the silence that had fallen upon them once again, Terry started sniffling. Looking at him, you might have thought he was tough because of his muscular body, but he was probably one of the most sensitive people in the Nine-Nine. "I might never see my kids or my wife again!" He exclaimed, wiping the tears that had started to roll down his cheeks. "I told Cagney and Lacey I would be back for their soccer game!" As he finished his sentence, he started to break down. He was crying, and there was nothing the squad could say to cheer him up. It felt wrong to say "Don't worry, we'll be home soon! Everything is going to be okay!" because no one believed it. Instead, the detectives sat next to Terry, holding each other. The weather was mirroring their emotions, as the rain started to fall and the sky darkened.

A few hours later, when the weather had gotten even worse, Jake approached Amy, who was sitting by the window, with two glasses of wine. He handed her one as he sat next to her and followed her gaze into the water surrounding them.

"It's crazy." Amy said in a low voice. "We can see the city, but we have no way of getting there. We are disappearing one by one, and no one knows."

"I know." He said, not knowing what else he could add.

Amy put her head on his shoulders, her tears slowly soaking his blue and white checkered shirt.

"Tomorrow, we will wake up and one of us might be missing, and there is nothing we can do to prevent it. We are powerless." She continued, snuggling into her husband.

That evening, diner was even more silent than the night before. After all, there was no more hope left, and without hope for their life to be filled with joy again, they had nothing.

After diner, when the rain had stopped, Amy proposed to go take a walk outside. As they did this, they somehow got some hope back. Maybe everything WOULD be okay. They had each other, and that was the most important thing. Standing in front of the group, Captain Holt raised his voice. "Tomorrow, we will make a plan to get off this island." He said confidently. "We will catch whoever is doing this, and we will bring them to justice. We will find the rest of the squad and they will be okay. No one else will leave this island, unless it is to go home to safety." He finished. "NINE-NINE!" he shouted. "NINE-NINE!!!" the squad responded. Things were going to be okay!

3 AM

Terry woke up to the loud sound of a microphone crackling. As he slowly sat up, he heard the same voice he had heard in the living room a few days ago. "Hello, Terrance Jeffords." It started. " You must be very scared, but don't worry. If you do as I say, you will not be hurt, and neither will your friends. Unfortunately, if you don't, I won't be very happy, and you have seen what happens when I am not happy... I want you to calmly get out of bed and open the door to your room without making any noise. Then, I want you to go outside through the front of the house and sit in the boat that you will see. The game is over for you." The voice finished...

When the detectives woke up the next morning, they were excited to start their escape plan. When it was 7 AM, they all walked into the hallway to greet their friends. There was no reason for anyone to have gone missing last night, right? Holt, Charles, Jake and Amy were up, but Terry was not out yet. They went to his door and realized that it was ajar. Amy quickly opened it, discovering an empty bed. They looked around the house and island, but they knew he wasn't there. Terry was gone. And then there were four.

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