Part 8: Gina Knows Best

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When Holt discovered that their kidnapper had been someone he knew so well, someone who had always been by his side, he went into complete and utter shock. He could not figure out if he was in danger, or if he was safe. Gina had always been so unpredictable. He gulped as he looked into her mysterious eyes.

"Captain, just relax, you're going to be fine." Gina said, casually.

"What do you mean?" Holt practically yelled back. "You have been kidnapping us for the past week. How are you expecting me to relax when I am all alone in the middle of the ocean with a kidnapper?"

"I'm not a kidnapper." Gina responded.

"What? Of course you are. We were all happy on this vacation and you took us unwillingly. How else would you call it?" Holt responded, confused.

"Look, I'll explain when we get back to shore." Gina said, turning back around to continue rowing back to Brooklyn.

The fifteen minute boat ride felt like hours. Holt did not understand what Gina meant when she said she was not a kidnapper. Did she think this was all a joke? Was it actually all a joke? He could not be sure.

When Gina and Holt arrived at the shore in Brooklyn, Holt had to resist the urge to run away. The only thing that kept him following Gina was the need to understand what was going on.

The two of them went into a cab. Holt could not figure out if the cab driver was in on the plan or not. He did not want to risk asking for help. After a long ride, the car approached their police precinct. Why would she bring him here? Was he actually safe? He couldn't dare to ask her.

Once they were inside the precinct, Holt was even more conflicted about what he should say.

"Hello, Captain! How was your trip?" An officer asked, walking by him.

"Oh... It was... it was very nice. Thank you for asking." Holt replied, cautiously looking at Gina.

When they arrived at the fourth floor, he secretly hoped that all the detectives would be there, minding their own business. Unfortunately, when the elevator doors opened, the detectives were nowhere to be seen. Where could they be? For some reason, the only explanation that seemed realistic to Holt was that Gina had actually kidnapped the others, but he could not figure out why she had brought him here then. He knew that she was a genius, however. If she was bringing him here, she must have had a plan.

"Let's go into the briefing room, Captain. We need to talk." Gina said, expressing so little emotion that it reminded Holt of himself. Somehow, he knew that this would not end well.

When the two of them arrived at the door of the briefing room, Holt looked back at the officers doing their jobs. They had no idea what was going on.

"After you." Gina said, seriously.

Holt looked at Gina for a few seconds. He did not recognize this person anymore. Taking a deep breath, he quickly opened the door.

Holt jaw dropped. He was more confused than he had ever been in his entire life.

Sitting at the tables in the briefing room were the missing detectives. Hitchcock, Scully, Rosa, Terry, Amy, Jake and Charles.

"Wha..." Holt started.

"Please take a seat, Captain." Gina said.

Holt walked towards the empty chair beside Charles without taking his eyes off of Gina.

As he sat down, he turned his gaze towards Charles. Charles looked back at him, but for once in his life, he did not give away any information.

Gina walked onto the little podium in the front of the room.

"Most of you know why I have gathered you here today." She started, a smile creeping onto her face. "I will explain to you guys what happened this week for the last time."

Gina paused and pretended to meditate. A few seconds later, she started talking once again. "Since I'm rich and famous now, I thought it would be cool to do a social experiment with you guys. I wondered what would happen if I put you in a life or death situation and you all had to fight for yourselves. You guys are always sticking together, but I wanted to see your true colors... I wanted to see who would be the last one standing if I eliminated someone whenever they acted selfish or did something I didn't like."

"First of all, Hitchcock and Scully." She continued. "Well, I had to kick you guys out right away because you weirdos started eating all the food. Man! It was gross! You didn't even make it to night time! It was exactly as I expected..."

"Next was Rosa." She said, looking at Rosa for a few seconds too long before talking once more. "Once you thought that it was a life or death situation, you took out your knife and started threatening everyone! It was kinda sexy..."

"After that was Terry. I guess you care more about your kids than the squad... You started weeping, and you were bumming everyone out, so I eliminated you. Also, I missed your muscles."

"Afterwards was Amy. You never actually became selfish, but I think you were starting to put the pieces together on my project so I couldn't risk keeping you there."

Amy nodded, smiling.

"Jake came next. You were freaking out and crying about Amy so much that I had to get rid of you. Ugh! Curse my wonderful selflessness!"

Amy looked at Jake lovingly as his face got red out of embarrassment.

"Of course, Charles left right after. Once Jake was gone, the only people you seemed to think about were your son and wife. It was too depressing."

"Finally, there was only Captain Holt left. I couldn't really tell what you were feeling so it got kind of boring and I brought you back..."

"How could all of you accept what Gina did?! It was extremely illegal!" Holt stated, standing up. "Amy, you must agree with me." He finished, looking at Amy.

"Actually, I think it was kind of cool." Amy started. " Gina never actually kidnapped us. It was our choice to go to the island, and we could have built some sort of boat to get home at any time. The only thing she did was threaten us, but it wasn't even real."

"Nonsense..." Holt replied.

"Look Captain." Charles started. "The whole week, Gina was trying to make us be selfish and stop caring about each other, but that's not how a family works! I think that this week has brought us together more as a squad, and we will be even better at our jobs in the future. We had taken our lives for granted, but now we won't."

"Ewww, Charles! I wasn't trying to make you guys better people." Gina said with a look of disgust on her face.

"I know, but you did, and we are very thankful for that. We miss you Gina." Amy stated.

"Why do you guys always make everything so emotional! But I guess... I miss you guys too." Gina admitted.

"Nine-Nine!" She screamed.

"Nine-Nine!" The squad shouted back. Even Holt, who was slowly accepting what Gina had done.

They were all together once again. And then there were Nine-Nine.

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