Part 7: I'm On A Boat

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Captain Holt walked outside of the house onto the dark sand. The strong wind suddenly made the door slam shut. Holt jumped in surprise as his breath quickened. He knew that at any second, he could be taken away. He wanted to stay outside so he could be as close as possible to land and the people he loved. At least, that's where he hoped his friends were.

The cold wind blew against his bald head, making him shiver. He walked back into the house, taking one last look towards the city he used to live in. He knew he had a long day ahead of him.

After a simple breakfast of plain toast, Holt went to the couch that had been filled with eight people a week ago. Lying down, he slowly closed his eyes.

A few seconds later, Holt heard a noise and opened his eyes. Someone was banging on the front door. He got up reluctantly, expecting this to be the kidnapper. He slowly opened the door, and his eyes widening as he saw who was before him.

Outside the door, out of breath, was Jake. He was wet and covered in dirt.

"Peralta!" Holt exclaimed.

"Captain. We were kidnapped and taken back to a building in Brooklyn, but we were able to escape. The others are back at home, but I came to get you." Jake responded weakly.

Without saying another word, Holt grabbed Jake and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Captain..." Jake said, a confused look on his face. It was very rare for his captain to show this much emotion.

"I'm glad you and the others are alright. Thank you for coming to get me." Holt responded.

Before either one of them could say another word, a loud crackling noise began to play in the living room. The same one as on the day of their arrival on the island.

"Oh no. I need to leave, Captain. I'm sorry." Jake said, a worried look on his face.

"What... JAKE! WAIT FOR ME!" Holt yelled as Jake ran towards a boat on the shore and rowed away, leaving Holt alone on the island. Holt could not find the strength to move forward. What was going on? The crackling noise was getting louder and Holt could not take it anymore. He was alone. He was scared. He went to his knees, cupping his ears with his hands, hoping for something to happen. Anything.

Suddenly, Holt's eyes jolted opened. He looked at his surroundings and discovered that he was still lying on the couch in the living room. Had it all been a dream? Holt soon realized that he had his hands cupped on his ears. Once he removed them, he heard the loud crackling noise that he had hoped was only in his dream. Shortly thereafter, the noise turned into words."Hello, Raymond Holt." The voice started. "Congratulations, you have won the game. Sadly, you must now follow the path that your friends have. Walk outside the front door and go into the boat on the shore. After all, you have nothing to lose."

Holt slowly got up. The voice was right, he thought to himself. He had nothing to lose. As he opened the front door of the mansion, he immediately saw the boat that he was meant to go into. It was the same one that had brought him and the others to the island. Now, he was certain it would bring him to his death. At the bow of the boat, a figure dressed in a black hoodie was sitting, looking towards the water. Holt approached the boat. "Could this be where I get killed?" He asked himself. After all, there was no one else on the island. The kidnapper could kill him wherever now.

He climbed inside the stern of the boat, shaking, only a few inches away from the figure. When he was fully inside, the mysterious person started to row.

Around fifteen minutes later, when the boat was in the middle of the water separating The Lonely Island and New York, the unknown individual stopped rowing. Holt's breath quickened as he guessed what would happen next. Slowly, the person turned around, revealing their face.


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