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     Sorry it took so long I'm about to retake my SAT's this Saturday. Then there's College applications to fill out.... Aand you probably don't care anyways so here's the story.


     It is now nightfall and as I look around I can see everyone is anxious to attack. We are marching out of camp to meet the enemy before they enter our territory.

     We have stopped and the head of our group is briefing us.

     "While Nathaniel's group attacks on the front line our group will go around the side and ambush the unsuspecting troops. Now, is anyo-", he didn't get to finish what he was saying because an arrow had struck him through his head and he was killed instantly.

     Okay, we've trained for this. "Shield", I yell as arrows keep coming at us through the dark. "Retreat", someone else yells. Everyone starts running back towards the camp but then I stop. What am I doing?! If I retreat now I'd be giving up and that would make me a coward. I am not a coward. I straighten up and start walking, against the flow of my group retreating, towards the enemy camp. That's when two guys run up to me.

     "What are you doing? We were told to retreat.", says the to the right with dark brown hair and eyes like charcoal. The one to the left looks a little younger, with blonde-brown hair and brown eyes. He looks a little dazed and out of it.

     The one who asked the question, I realize, was still staring at me waiting for an answer. "I am going to kill their king, King Daedelus!" I yell to be heard over the noise of retreat around us.

     They look at me like I'm crazy for a minute before the one with charcoal eyes speaks. "Then we'll come with you", he says and then adds, "my name is Mathias by the way". I nod at him before looking at the other. "And you?" I ask. He snaps out of his daze and suddenly looks a little savage. "I'm in and my name is Jackson". I nod towards him in acknowledgement as well and we head off towards the enemy camp.

     I look around the corner of one of their tents to check for guards. I see the coast is clear and beckon for the guys to follow. We creep past a sleeping soldier before reaching the center of camp.

     The tent there is the biggest out of the rest and thus must be the king's quarters. I look around and see the coast looks clear around it so we start in that direction. This is it, I will kill the king, go back, become a hero and get Clarissa. I start to move back the tent flap when I feel something hit the back of my head and everything goes black.

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