Chapter 14: Tamaki

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(Bakugou POV)

I ended up in the hospital but I have to share a room with that shitty girl who's dating that animal freak

I feel a little bad about what I did at the festival to her, normally i wouldn't care about her but... I could've killed her

"Niroka..." I mumbled loud enough for her

"Yes Bakugou?" She replied

"I'm sorry... I almost killed you but why did you save me?" I questioned her while sitting up and looking down at my lap

"Because... Izuku is like a brother to me and he really cares about you a lot, him and Kirishima would've been devastated" She explained

I looked at her smiling to herself while looking out of the window

"I just noticed all of the flowers in here, there's so many" I said while looking around the room

"Heh, I have a fascination was flowers and I think they look beautiful" She said while taking one of the flowers out of the pot

She gripped it tightly and threw it at me

"THAT'S FOR NEARLY KILLING ME!" She yelled while laughing, "I'll kick your ass once I'm healed"

I began to laugh at her

"You can't beat me in a fight, so I'll be the one kicking your ass again!" I yelled back at her with a smirk

(Your POV)

I stood up to hear knocking on the door

"I'll get it, sit the hell down" Bakugou said while going to the door

As he opened the door I sat back to see Adrian and Tamaki walked inside

"A-Adrian!" I said while hugging him tightly

"Mom!" Adrian yelled

"You're a damn mother!?" Bakugou said confused

I sweatdropped

"Hey! Watch your language, and no I'm not his mother, I saved him from an attack and he's the one who helped me find you!" I said

"Hey Kitty, your mother is here to see you" Tamaki said while sitting down next to me

Bakugou then sat in his bed and played games on his phone

"Hey Adaline, are you doing alright?"

"I'm doing fine, mom... Anything new happen?" I asked her with a smile

"Well no, but I did get you a present that'll be waiting for you once you get out of this hospital" She said, "I have to go now"

"Bye mom, I'll be right back" I said as I walked to the restroom


"Where did they go, Bakugou?" I asked him seeing as were the only two in the room

"They left somewhere, I don't fucking know" He said while laying down still

"Hmm, ok" I said while flopping down on his stomach


I laughed and soon fell asleep...

(A few months later)

No one has visited me since Tamaki and Adrian left

Even Bakugou had to leave because he healed faster than me

I sat up and looked through the window to see a pitch black sky

All of the sounds stopped

I couldn't hear talking, the wind, the tapping of the flowers

"I-Is someone there...?"

I stood up and looked through the empty halls of the hospital

"Hello, Nurse!" I yelled

I soon spotted a blonde nurse standing in the middle of the hallway just standing there

"Excuse me, where is everyone" I said

She didn't respond

I then went to tap her shoulder to find a girl with blood covering the front side of her clothing and she was holding a needle

"Hey there Niroka, we're gonna have so much fun with you!" She said

She then shoved the needle into my arm and the last things I could see were

People... A blue haired guy, a black haired male, and some guy made out of fire

And then everything became

Dark and images of Tamaki being happy appeared... Tamaki

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