
9 2 0

1.Even if i have a million reasons to leave,i will look for one to stay.

2.I no longer care about what they think about me.

3.Zombies eat brains.You're safe.

4.I am not open to many people.I'm usually quiet and i don't really like attention.So if i like you enough to show you the real me,you must be very special.

5.Every girl is a doll.Either Barbie or Anabelle.Fuckology.

6.Are you mad?Stay mad because i don't give a fuck.

Girl:I've been called worse.
Boy:Oh really,like what?
Girl:Your girlfriend.

8.She's beauty,she's grace.She'll punch you in the face.

9.Sweet as sugar,cold as ice,hurt me once,i'll break you twice.

10.Not all girls are made of sugar,spice and everything nice.I'm made of sarcasm wine and everything fine.

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