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"Sutana!" I growled, "Sutana!" I run after the little dark blond cub, she runs away giggling. Sutana runs up a small tree and stops. She looks down with her brown eyes and smiles, "Hey, um, dad?"

"Hmm?" I look up. She looks at me with terrified eyes. What did she get herself into this time.

" So I'm basically stuck..." her grin has left her face and a worried expression replaced it.

"Really Sutana!" I roll my eyes as I trot to the trunk of the tree. How the heck did she get up there? "Sutana I'm going to get your brother, he'll get you down."

She grips the branch tighter, " Kay, hurry up!" She squeaks.

I run to our den which was nearby. Mkali was near the entrance watching Akuji and Bianca play near the little pond.

"Hey where is Sutana?" Mkali asked as she turned towards me.

"Oh not far- hey do you know where Utashi is?" I sit next to her, trying to keep my cool. She frowns and growls.

"What happened this time Jirair?" She stood up and shook her fur.

I look down, "Oh, nothing..." drop it, please drop it Mkali...

"Fine, he's in the den with Ade." She lays back down and closes her eyes. She flicks her tail letting me know I can leave now.

I chuckled softly as I enter the den, "Utashi?" I call out into the den. "Ade?" I look around for my cubs but I couldn't see them. Sniffed the air and they were in the corner hiding. I hear giggling as I look around pretending I didn't know where they were.

Utashi jumps out, Ade by his side, they land on my back and I fall dramatically. "Ahh! You got me, who are the Mighty warriors who have jumped me?" Ade let's out a silly laugh as he slides off of when as I stand up, but Utashi clung on, he dug his small claws into my skin threatening to draw blood. I shake him off and laugh.  "Utashi, I need your help, Sutana has gotten herself stuck in a tree again."

Utashi rolled his eyes with annoyance, "As always, which tree is it this time?" He licks his paws cleaning them.

"The small dead tree near the pond." I answer, I pick Utashi up by his scruff and walk to the tree. 

"Dad! Your messing up my mane!" He huffed.

"Ha, what mane?"  I say with clenched teeth. I stride over to Sutana and set Utashi down.

"Hey! Your back!" Sutana meowed. Rolling her eyes, "I thought you forgot me."

"We could never forget your loud mouth." Utashi remarks glaring at her playfully.

"Just get me down! It's getting breezy up here." She held on tighter as some light wind made the branch sway.

"Yeah, Yeah, hold on." He makes his way up the tree and grabs Sutana by the tail.

"Ow!" She whimpered. "That's my sensitive spot!" She growls with clenched teeth.

Utashi rolls his eyes as they made there way down, leaving claw marks on the tree.

"Why does Utashi always get me?" Sutana walked over to my side and starts to groom her fur.

"He's the best at saving you I guess." I shrug my shoulders and stand up, "Let's Head back, your mother will be getting restless soon."

Sutana sighed loudly, "I don't want to go back!" She groaned, "I want to swim!"  She flicked her tail towards the pond.

I shake my head no and she groaned louder, "Why can't you be fun for once in your life." She let out a big huff.

"Why do you always have to let everyone know what your thinking and what you want." Utashi states, clearly annoyed.

"Why do you always have to be so mysterious and brooding?Hmm?" She glares at her brother.

I laugh at the remark and pick up Sutana by her scruff. "Let's go." My words get muffled by my daughters fur but Utashi understood.
Utashi's P.O.V

"Time to get up akuji!" I whisper, careful not to wake mom or dad. "The others are waiting!"

Akuji groans as he opened his eyes, "Okay, okay I'm up." He stretches he's legs and stumbles out of our den. He scrunched his eyes as they adjusted to the light.

Sutana giggles as fireflies danced around them, it really was a sight to see.

I chase after one and catch it with my mouth. The firefly flew around my mouth making my cheeks glow, I spit it out to let it free.

"You looked like a dork!" Bianca giggled, she leapt around dancing with the fireflies, soon all five cubs were dancing, humming their own song.

My eyes start to droop and I yawn loudly. "So guys." I rub my eyes with my paw, I yawn again, "I think it's time to go back."

Sutana frowned but walked into the den without answering, Bianca, Akuji, and Ade follow closely. I was the last one out. I sit down and look up at the stars. They were very interesting, my father once told me the greatest kings lived up there, watching over us. I smiled at the thought and dragged myself into the den.

I just can't wait to be king.

I just can't wait to be king

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