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War, Blood, Pain, Death

I couldn't get those words out of my mind. I growled, not at anyone, just at myself.

Futa glared at me, probably thinking I was growling at her. "What's your name?" She looked at me.

"Ade" I say flatly, I've never been the brave one of our family, that role always belonged to Utashi, but the fear in his eyes said he was anything but brave in this moment.

"Ade" she repeated, "That means king."

I looked at her confused, I was anything but a king.

"You have a pride don't you?" She whispers creepily. Sliding over to me, inches away from my face she growled, saliva dripping from her canines. "Where?"

I spit in her face, "You don't need to know!" I growled, its was so deep it shook the ground slightly.

The young lion next to her looked at me, fear glazed in his minty green eyes.

Futa snapped, she raised her paw, claws unsheathed, ready to slice into my flesh, Time seems to slow down, almost stopped, my brothers faces look at Futa as she gets ready to kill me, Terror shines in Utashis eyes as he realizes he just signed my death sentence when he brought me here.

Futas face was crazed by bloodlust, What should have been seconds turned to minutes, I turned my head too look around me, I wasn't frozen like they were. What is happening?

I realize I could step out of the way of Futas claws, so I did, as soon as I changed where I was time sped up. Futas claws sliced at thin air, I smiled at her confused face.

"I think killing me would be a bad idea!" I roar at her, birds fly out of the trees surrounding us, squawking fearfully.

Futa laughed, "You don't scar me boy!" She circled around me, challenging me to fight her. She thought she could win. But I thought differently. I was going to win, I am the brave one here, I am strong, and she will shake at the presence of me.

I clawed at her first, leaving her face bleeding, she hissed in pain as I did that, her only have three legs gives me a great advantage. I swip at her missing leg and caught her off balanced, she fell to the ground with a loud thump, I jumped on top of her and clawed at her belly, not going too deep so I wouldn't kill her, she started to snap at my neck, her intentions different then mine, she did want me dead.

As I looked into her crazy eyes, clips of her past filled my mind.

A tall muscular lion laid dead on the ground, Futa was just a young cub then, "Father!" She cried.

The clip faded away, and another filled my mind.

Futa was a little older, about my age, she was training was another female, the female swiped viciously at her face, gashes so deep they would leave scars, "Your weak!" The female growled, "You disgusting rat! Fight back!"

Another clip came into my mind,

Futa was fully grown and alone, she was walking around in the mountain at night, fear glazed over her eyes, a growling sound erupted from some bushes, a large male lion, eyes red with bloodlust started attacking her, wanting blood, Futa screamed at the lion when he grabbed her front leg and ripped it clean off, the male lion smiled and ran off, Futa was left bleeding on the ground dying.

I snapped out of it, those visions lasted only a second, "Futa!" I growled, "I know your angry, that lioness shouldn't have treated you that way!"

Futa roared, "You don't know anything about me!"

"I know your angry about your father! You don't have to do this!"

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