The Three Sisters

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Akuji's P.O.V

The sounds of crickets filled my ears, the moons light filled the sky, and the swaying of trees filled the night with peaceful vibes.

I turn over restlessly trying to fall asleep, ugh, I'm too worried about Bianca! Why did I stay the night, I knew this would happen. I open my eyes, Musu's back faced me and she was snoring loudly. I hear rustling outside of the den, it sounded like a big animal, maybe more then one. "Musu!" I poked her in her rib cage.

"Wha?" She slurred her words as she sat up, "I'm sleeping here."

I shake my head, "I heard some sounds out there." I whispered intensely.

Her eyes glazed over with fear, "Oh okay, I'll go out and check." She slowly made her way to the small hole and squeezed herself through, I slowly follow her but just poke my head out slightly, trying to stay hidden.

I suddenly hear low growling coming from Musu. Someone was out there.

"Who are you!" She demanded. I heard more growling, maybe from three or so other lions, "Show yourself!" Musu yelled.

"Chill Musu!" I heard a voice say. I look around but I couldn't find the lioness who said that.

"Afra?" I hear Musu laugh, "It's been so long! Why are you guys here?"

"I heard you moved here, we live kinda nearby and wanted to say hi." I hear walking near the den and three figures came into view.

"Akuji come meet my friends!" Musu called out to me. I slowly made my way to Musu's side and sat close to her.

"Musu I didn't know you had a cub!" The lighter lioness cheered. She ran up to me and sniffed my pelt, "He's so cute? Did you say his name was Akuji?"

Musu nodded, "But-"

"Wow I've always wanted a cub." The lioness cut her off.

I raised my head and said, "Musu's not my mother, just a close friend." The lioness looked shocked by my comment.

"Oh, sorry for assuming." She whispered cheerfully.

"Sorry for the bad manners Akuji, the light blonde lioness's name is Asha, the darker one with spots is Afra and the other is Amahle." She pointed at them as she said their names, "They are all sisters."

I nodded, you could tell Afra and Amahle we're sisters, they looked alike, but Asha was way lighter then them, so that kinda surprised me. "Nice to meet you guys."

"If you don't mind me asking, where is his mother?" Afra asked.

Musu shrugged her shoulders, "He's never told me where he lived, all I know is he wanted a break from his pride and stayed with me last night."

"You have a pride?" Asha exclaimed, "Prides around here are very uncommon."

"Well it's more of a big family then a pride, it's just my parents and four siblings."

"Wait." Asha paused dramatically, "Your parents at five cubs at one time?"

I nodded, "Is that not normal?"

She shook her head, "Definitely not. Usually the only way a couple has that much is if they had several pregnancies."

"Yeah." Afra added on, "We thought us three were a lot but you guys, well that's just a miracle."

I laughed at the comment, I definitely wasn't a miracle, it would have been easier if I had only one sibling, but I still loved them all. "Yeah, a miracle."

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