Im not a cub anymore

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One year later - Ade's P.O.V

I feel the ground with my paws, I sway with the grass and blended in with my surroundings.

I carefully stalked a antelope, I smell my surroundings. My three siblings were hiding in specific spots farther away.

Okay, my one job is to scare the antelope to Sutana who will bite it then let it run to Akuji and he'll chase it to Utashi and he will kill it.

I shift my weight to the left and jumped out. The antelope looked at me startled and it turned and ran, I chased it to Sutana who quickly took over, she jumped on its back and made several gashes in its body which slowed it down a ton. It ran right past Akuji and he made it turn left straight to Utashi, as soon as it ran passed Utashi it fell to the ground, my guess it was because it tripped. Utashi took that mistake to his advantage and quickly snapped the antelope's neck killing it.

"Great job guys" Sutana smiled, "I think next time I should make the kill."

Utashi sighed, "We already talked about this, your the fastest and I'm the strongest, you chase it and I kill it, it's as simple as that."

She growled at the comment, "Why isn't Bianca helping today?" She demanded.

I stepped in, "She said she was helping Musu with making her den bigger or something."

Sutana nodded, "That makes sense" She turned to the antelope and grabbed the leg.

"Let's get this back home." She mumbled, her words were hard to make out with all this fur in her mouth.

We all grabbed the prey and dragged it back home.

"Hi Savanna!" Sutana called out as the grayish lioness came into view. Savanna and her mate Vance joined our pride about four moons ago, and are now expecting a cub. Everyone was excited to have a new generation in our pride.

"Hello guys!" She yelled back, her belly was just now showing and her appetite was growing greatly.

I smile through the fur and hurried to her, "How's the cub doing?" I ask nicely.

"Oh he won't stop moving around" she smiled widely, "It always good to know there okay and strong."

I nod and walk into my den. We all shared with one entrance to a cave-like underground den system. Kinda like rabbits or something. When someone new joined we'd make a new one, it was easier that way. But for Savannah and Vance we asked them if they wanted to have their own separate den away from us because of their growing family, and they accepted.

As I walked passed Musu's den entrance I could see Bianca working hard digging into the side while she just sat and watched.

"Heh, always finding loopholes huh Musu." She chuckled as I made the comment.

"I'm getting to old for this." She flicked her tail signaling me to come to her.

I walk into her den and sit by her side, "What do ya need?"

She glared at me, "Why do you just assume I want something?"

"I mean I didn't- I don't- heh" I stumbled over my words like a dummy.

"It's okay Ade" She chuckled. "I do want something."

My droop my head slightly, "What is it?"

"I just need some food from that hunt you came back from, and bring your sister some some too, she's working real hard."

I was just about to get up but Musu held me down, "Ade!" She gasped, "Your mane is getting so thick!"

I rolled my eyes at the comment, I'm a year old, it's a little to soon for that. My mane did start to come in, it was pitch black and my Father told me that was his fathers mane color, so I thought that was cool. "Ok Musu I gotta get going now"

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