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^above are their outfits

Jennie grabbed her bag when she saw that her Uber was outside. Lucas had to go straight to SM after school and wouldn't be home until later tonight. She was going to meet up with Jisoo, Lisa, and Rosé for dinner seeing as they had a lot to talk about. She got in the back seat of the Uber and texted the girls she was on the way.

"Hi," her driver glanced at her through the rear view mirror and gave her a smile. "You look a lot like Jennie."

Jennie laughed. "I get that a lot."

"Do you know who that it is?"

"I don't, but I just take it as a compliment," Jennie smiled, looking back down at her phone.

"I don't really like her," the driver said.

"Oh? Why's that?"

"She just seems so stuck up. I don't see why people like her so much."

"She sounds awful," Jennie scoffed, shaking her head.

"She is, but she's pretty so I guess that's why she gets so much attention."

"It's a shame people only care about beauty and not talent," the singer shook her head.

"It is, isn't it?" the female driver shook her head.

Jennie and the driver continued talking down on Jennie as they rode to the girls' meeting spot. The driver stopped at the entrance and Jennie paid with cash.

"I didn't get your name," Jennie said before she hit the door.

"Heejin," the woman smiled.

"It was nice riding with you, Heejin. Thank you."

"You're welcome...?" Heejin trailed off, waiting for the girl to respond with her name.

"Jennie," the singer responded.

She saw the woman's eyes widen and let out a gasp. Jennie just smiled and shut the door. She got on her phone and rated her with five stars before going into the cafe. She found the three's table and slid into the booth beside Lisa.

"Hello, ladies," she smiled.

"You're late," the three of them said.

"I know," she said. "Moving on."

"Have you all had your meeting with YG?" Lisa asked.

"I got out of mine before I came here," Rosé said.

"I had mine yesterday," Jisoo said.

"I had mine during lunch," Lisa said.

"We all know when I had mine," Jennie said. "Jisoo, how long have you been a trainee?"

"Since sophomore year in high school," Jisoo said. "They let me do lessons and evaluations through video call and online. I wasn't allowed to tell anyone about it, so that's why you didn't know."

"But why didn't you tell us when you found out all of us were trainees there?" Rosé asked.

"Well, first, Jennie was a trainee for like two months and I rarely ever saw her. Two, I tried to avoid you at all costs because you're annoying."

"I was a trainee for six months, thank you," Jennie said.

"We're not annoying," Rosé defended herself.

"In high school? You were fucking annoying," Jisoo said, "but I loved you, so I put up with you."

"Damn, you could've told us," Lisa said.

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