Meeting tons of people. A Metta-ton

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I'm could I let myself fall into all them memories at once... I will not let that stop me. Well, whatever I plan to do anyway. There is someone here...standing up from the small crevasse I look around me to only see a ghost, well okay then, looking at the poor ghost  I realise how scared it looks to suddenly have a human show up out of the blue. Sticking out my hand to the small ghost I introduce myself "Hello, it is I Willow, you are?" yeah that's a pretty shit introduction especially since I now know that ghosts don't have hands "HelLLLoo iM nAPPstaBLOOk" he answers back to my question " iM sooRRy Willowww dooOO yoU want tO cOme To mY HOUse?" okay so I just met this spooky glob of ghost..."Sure. Why not?" why I agreed? I have no idea but I have a feeling that it would be a smart thing to follow him.

After a short walk and even shorter small talk we reach two houses, I am assuming that the pink one is either from someone a girl or a very fab male who knows his style because DAMN them curtains slay! OH oops, I got sidetracked if this was a game then I would have certainly be going  out of the order of the people I am meeting but ah well, shit one. FUCK! THE GHOST! okay so, i run into the house that Naps went into. Naps house actually looked quite and very know, besides the robot laying on the sofa with them very smexy legs "OH BLOOOKY! WHO IS THIS DARLIIIING" 

Okay then...that, is a robot. Wait. How did they get the parts to build all of this if they live underground? I bet no-one has thought of that, I'm a genius.  Trying to introduce myself to this I strut towards them before being forced to stop by their long arms "NO DARLING, YOU MUST GET THE RATINGS UP!" all of a sudden I am swung into the air by the monster onto a large stadium...where did that even come from?

Music. It's coming from all around me, a large flash of a blinding white light appears before the monster appears "LADIES AND GENTLEFELLA! IT IS ME METTATON. TONIGHT WE HAVE A HUMAN CONTESTANT!"  oh great. What game will I have to play with the robot now? Hop Scotch? snorting at my thought Mettaton starts to dance and pose, so this is a DANCE show! Alright alright...I guess I could- "WHOOPS DARLING" that little prick tried to hit me! OH it is ON.

striking a pose I face the audience before flipping my hair, gasps fill the crowd right as I also do a slut drop. Carefully scouting the audience to see what type of monsters are there I see mainly what I can assume to be many males in the audience I smirk before taking off my shirt to be greeted by roars of applause and praise, it is kind of sad that they are only cheering me on because I stripped..."Are you ready for a PARTAYYYYYY" I scream out to the audience while I start to dance in any sultry way i could think off, after a long dance and a loud final cheer from the crowd we get lifted down from the stage back into Naps house "WELL DARLING! THAT WENT VERY WELL" Mettaton practically yelled out "yeSS iT WaS wiLLOw! yoU dAnCE WElL but Why iS youR skIN peELIng?" Naps suddenly spoke up. Uh Oh.

Think Willow...GOT IT 

"It is only a human skin issue, like Eczema but like...way worse than that" please don't know about human issues... please don't know please don't kn- "oKaY WillOW, didN'T mEAn tO pRy" okay so Naps believed it but Mettaton doesn't seem as convinced as him, that's not good. "WELL OKAY DARLING."  he, as i'm guessing, is totally not convinced but eh. What can you do?

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