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You woke up only to see darkness. While attempting to cry for help, you realised they were muffled by a cloth tied around your mouth and then when wanting to stand up you felt cold, heavy bracelet-like things on your feet and hands. To a six-year-old, this was very scary, to be trapped on a chair in silence. No way to escape and from the cloth, no way to scream for help. You were stuck and there was no way out.

For what felt like an eternity you sat there trying to think of a way out when suddenly you heard footsteps coming closer towards you. To say you were scared is an understatement, you were beyond terrified and with the taps of footsteps getting louder you couldn't begin to explain you fear.
Eventually, the steps came to a stop and you could hear low mumbles of what you believe to be two males.

The door opened and light flooded in the room as the pale boy from earlier walked up to you. Next to him was a black and purple mist in a suit. He had bright yellow eyes that seemed to stare into your soul. The pale boy spoke up in a creaky voice, "My names Tomura Shigaraki and this is Kurogiri. We are willing to give you a quirk, in exchange you will work for us. What do you say?"
"How did you know I didn't have a quirk?" I questioned
"We were watching you and saw how your parents disowned you just because of your lack of a quirk," Kurogiri spoke as if that was obvious. "Oh... um... what would my quirk be if I- if I said yes?" I said.
"You would have a quirk called elemental, you can control the four main elements water, earth, fire and air and, if you trained enough, you could control others like electricity or metal. If you said yes we would give you the quirk which would cause little to no harm to you and then train you on how to use it. All this, in exchange for you to work for us until you die- however that may be." Kurogiri spoke in a matter-of-fact tone. "A-And if I refused?" I stuttered hesitantly. "Well we can't let you go, and your just some extra person we have to take care of if we keep you here tied up, so you'd most probably die," Shigaraki said with a straight face.

'What do I do? I don't want to die! If I said yes then I'd get a quirk and live, but for what cause? There villians right? I'd most probably have to kill and do other illegal stuff. I guess if I can live then I might as well say yes.' I debated mentally.

"Times running out," Shigaraki said practically demanding an answer.
"I'll do it. I'll join and work for you in exchange for a quirk," I said.
"Good," Shigaraki said then everything went dark again.


When I woke up I didn't feel anything different, just my usual, boring, quirkless self. I moved a bit to stretch when a voice that sounded like Kurogiri's said "Ah, you're finally awake. I made you food but it might be a bit cold you were out for a while," then a plate with beans on toast was put on the table next to me. I got up to eat and asked: "How long have I been asleep?"

"Just two hours since we gave you your quirk, I made this about half an hour ago so it shouldn't be too cold,"

"Oh, okay, when will I start my training?" I questioned.

"Tomorrow, you can rest today," he answered.

"Okay," I then proceeded to eat my food.

For the next 10 years, I followed the same routine: eat, training, sleep, and the occasional mission I was told to do by Shigaraki. It was pretty boring at times but I gained good control of my quirk so I guess it was good. Shigaraki told me we're doing some mission to attack USJ so we can defeat All Might. I don't know much I just know I have to be ready to go soon.

When we finally had to go through the portal, I noticed some people I hadn't seen before. I didn't question it though and walked through the portal. When I got to the other side my eyes were blinded by the bright sun in the sky. I haven't seen the sun in years, I usually have to train inside or at night.

As I looked ahead I saw a group of people, most of them about my age, with two older people. maybe that#'s the class we have to attack to get All Might? Anyway, they were all staring at us with shocked faces. 

"Thirteen and Eraserhead, Huh?" I heard Shigaraki mumble.

All the villains started to walk forward to the group while I stayed back with Shigaraki. I didn't want to get in a fight yet until I knew what their quirks were. The guy with black hair jumped down to the group and when they were ready to attack he used his quirk to erase theirs. 'So he must be Erasure' i thought. He then used his scarfs to defeat them and to be honest, it looked really cool. I sensed a source of electric trying to contact someone from outside of the building so I countered it by using my quirk. The guy looked really confused and continued to try to contact someone but I kept countering it. Meanwhile, Ereasurehead was fighting the villians that charged at him. 

I glanced at Shigaraki as he said, "I hate pro heroes. The masses don't stand a chance against them,"

Shigaraki charged at Ereasurehead so I went after the group of students. They were running away from the fight and this boy with green hair lagged behind a bit to mumble something but when he noticed me running after them he quickly caught up and warned them of my presence.

Unfortunately, Kurogiri got there first and blocked them from in front, when some looked behind and saw me they started to panic. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, we are the league of villains, I know it's impolite but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello, and besides isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the symbol of peace to take his last breath," There were some gasps at that last sentence.

"I believe he was supposed to be here today and yet I see no sign of him, there must have been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen. Ah, well, in the end, I suppose it doesn't matter, I still have a role to play," after that a spiky redhead and a blond jumped to attack him but were unsuccessful.

"You live up to your school's reputation, but you should be more careful children otherwise someone might get hurt," Kurogiri spoke.

"You two, get out of the way right now!" Thirteen exclaims. But before anything else can happen Kurogiri uses his quirk to separate them within the facility. I notice some people who escape though and decide to attack them. The multiple armed guy formed ears and eyes so they could figure out where everyone else was while the others stared down Kurogiri. I believe they forgot I was there. Thirteen started telling the class rep to run to the school and tell the pro heroes what was happening. They wanted him to get past Kurogiri to the emergency exit. They were all supporting him after he doubted going and I obviously had to step in before they succeed. 

Thirteen used her quirk and I think people started to notice me because tape man and six arms faced me in a fighting stance. I got into a fighting stance soon after that and we stared at each other until they came charging at me. Now I had a decision, show them I have multiple quirks or just use one quirk, if so which quirk do I show. I had about 5 seconds to decide. At 2 seconds I came to the conclusion of just using air so they think I'm only really good at defence and not so much attack. Before they hit me I sent a gust of wind right at them and they flew back and landed near their group. The two girls asked if they were okay then charged at me themselves. The boys soon getting up and doing the same. 4 against 1 isn't fair but I guess we started it with the hundreds of villains we brought. I blocked the pink girls acid and kicked her away, then the other girl sent flying rocks at me so I stopped them and sent them back. She just barely dodged but quickly recovered and charged at me with the 2 other men. I sent a gust of wind at the girl then blocked the tape by creating a force field with air, six arms tried to punch me but I dodged then sent tape boy at him by grabbing on the tape and pulling him. I did use my powers to help a bit, I'm not THAT strong. 

Okay, so that's pink girl, tape boy, six arms and floaty defeated, who's next?

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