An Explanation

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Your pov

I woke up and-

Hold on.

That's not right.

I thought I was dead.

You can't wake up from death.

I opened my eyes to see a room all too familiar. I let out a quiet scream before quickly slapping my hand over my mouth. I heard footsteps outside the room and hid under the bed that I had been previously lying on top of. Deciet entered the room and crouched down, looking me directly in the eye. His eyes seemed kinder than before.

"You don't need to be scared." He said. His voice seemed kinder too.

"Your right, why should I be scared of the person who EFFING KILLED ME."

"But, I happen to also be the person who brought you back to life. And you don't need to be scared of me killing you, it's kind of impossible."


"Kind of..."

"What do you mean kind of?"

"You'll be alive as long as Thomas is."

"How is that possible?"


"Go on..."

"A side"


By then I was sitting on top of the bed, with Deceit standing opposite me. He explained everything. From why he was different now to why I am alive. *cough*42*cough*

"Wait, so I'm a sanders side and you were possessed by a ghost?"

"Almost, the affects that this room had on me were so strong that they took over"

"okay, I think I understand"

"You ready to go back?"

"I... er... no"


"How am I going to explain all of this when I only just found out myself"

"Where are you going to go then?"

"Could I stay with you?"

"But I'm the person who killed you"

"You're also the person who brought me back to life"

"Okay, you can stay"

Just before he left I remembered something.

"Hey, Deceit, what side am I?"


The Duke

Oh no
Deceits gone soft
What will I do?

Oh oh
I'm in trouble now
Hey you
I know you're there
You didn't see a thing.

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