Evillious Chronicles (EC): Midnight Forgiveness

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Midnight Forgiveness
Main Characters: Riliane and Allen
Ship: None
Posted: 28 June 2019
Words: 485

A silhouette stood before Riliane, looking out into the jet black void. Hung on his neck was a bloody scar, glowing a faint yet visible orange in the darkness. She reached her hand out for him, wishing that everything would go back to the way it was; the way it was supposed to be, yet she knew that the past couldn't be changed.

Regret had been stabbed through her heart like a knife, weighing her down as she pondered about the past. The one who was supposed to die was her, not her favourite servant! Although, she did just learn that he was her brother on that day...

The ex-princess took a step forward, her heels making a clicking sound as it made contact with the black, tiled floor, alerting the servant of her presence. He turned to face her, and she then noticed his deep, blue eyes that resembled... hers.

A calm look was placed on his face, as if he were about to serve Riliane, yet he never walked up to her; he stood in the middle of the darkness, his eyes and scar being the only light source.

Crystal clear tears ran down the girls face as she ran towards her brother, but an invisible force stopped her from meeting with him. He tried to tell him that she was sorry, that she should've died instead of him, yet before any words could come out of her mouth a smile broke out across her twin's face.

In that moment, all regret was forgotten, and she was forgiven for her actions. The figure then walked away, deeper into the never ending abyss.

A whisper escaped her mouth as she watched him drift away. "Thank you, Allen."

Riliane woke up, finding herself in her bed at the Nunnery. She looked out her window, noticing the stars and the moon hanging high in the night sky. The girl snuck outside, needing a bit of fresh air.

Her thoughts wandered back to when she and her brother were small children: She was the sun, he was the moon. It was a pity that she couldn't share this beautiful night with him. According to Elluka, her memories with him were slowly coming back, and yet here she was thinking of an old, forgotten time.

Her feet had carried her to the ocean, where she stared out into the azure sea. Someone had once told her that sending a bottle with a wish in it out to sea would make the wish come true, so of course she tried this out a few days ago. Maybe, if she wished hard enough, her brother could come back and everything would go back to normal!

...of course, it wouldn't be that easy, so watching the waves would do for now.

Yet, out of the corner of her eye, she swore that she saw a blonde boy wearing an orange coat...

I wrote this in a few minutes and I'm proud of it, mostly because it's actually short for once and I finished it! There will be more to come, along with a late one for Sonic's birthday, although school work comes first sadly. Anyway, stay tuned for more! (And I'm not dead guys!)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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