Kagepro: Reunited

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Characters: Hibiya, Kagerou and Hiyori
Ship: Hibiya x Hiyori
Posted: 15 August 2018
Words: 675

Hibiya jolted up from his bed as he had sensed something was wrong. He took a glance at the clock next to his bed, only to see the time being 12:30pm on August the 15th.

It was back, but why? They were living peacefully in Mary's Imaginary World, so why did the heat haze have to be back?

His mind still clouded from his awakening, the short boy got out of bed and dashed towards the Dan's kitchen, coming to a stop after seeing a familiar figure standing in front of him.

Kagerou. The same guy who taunted him during the worst day of his life. How did he get here? Questions swam through Hibiya's mind, as the 'person' infront of him approached.

After a few minutes of silence, he spoke up.
"I have a... how should I say this... 'delivery' for you." Kagerou spoke, his words slow and serious. Man, where was the rest of the Dan when you needed them?

A startled Hibiya only now backed off a bit, still eyeing the potential threat in front of him like he was a dangerous predator.

"Oh come on! Don't act like that! I swear this 'gift' will only give you joy." The kind voice Kagerou had was still not convincing him, until he saw the brunette standing behind the other boy.

"H-Hiyori?" Was it her? The taller boy stared at the familiar girl as tears began making their way from his eyes down to the white, tiled ground, before running up to her and giving her a hug.

"It really is you..." He managed to say through his happy tears. Hiyori only patted his brown, spiky bed hair, while whispering comforting words to him.

After stepping out of the embrace which he wished lasted forever, Hibiya actually got a good look at her. Her clothes were the same from the last heat haze; she was wearing her pink overall dress, with her black, elbow-length short sleeves, compared to Hibiya's favourite white hoodie with his short sleeved blue t-shirt.(That he wasn't wearing at the moment.) Her black hair was in two shoulder length ponytails, as per usual.

He had calmed down from his crying, and he finally found the time to say something that he never thought he would actually have the chance to say.


"Yeah?" Her voice was the same as before as well, only a bit more shaky after she had shed some silent tears of joy herself.

"I-I..." Here goes nothing.

"I love you Hiyori! I-I don't know if y-you love me b-back b-but..."

Hiyori embraced him again, crying into his shoulder this time.

"I love you too! I-I did the entire time!!!" She sobbed with the taller boy.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner..." The former tsundere muttered, staring at the ground before releasing Hibiya.

"I-It's okay. Where back to-together again. It'll be fine." Hibiya cooed, while mouthing a 'thank you' to Kagerou, who was watching the whole exchange.

They were back together again.
And they were never going to leave each other's side.

-An hour later-

"WE'RE BACK!!!" Kano shouted, shoving miscellaneous things onto the table as Kido facepalmed.

"Don't shout so loud, you idiot." Kido growled as they both walked into the living room, only to see two kids sleeping on the couch together.

"Aww! They're so cute!!!" The blonde boy went up to them, before being stopped by the leader of the Dan.

"Leave them be Kano." Kido said as she left her hand on his shoulder as she also watched the relaxed duo.

"Leave them be."

'Happy' 15th of August! (Or 14th, it's the 15th here :P) My sister asked me to write a oneshot for the Heat Haze, and so I wrote this!!! I may have gotten a few things wrong, so please correct me! This is also my first time writing anything Kagepro related, so don't bash me! 

Btw, my sister is thinking of drawing a picture for this oneshot, and I'll update this if she does.


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