Chapter 2: Not This Asshole

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I woke up earlier than usual putting on my ninja outfit and my headband around my waist. Eating a quick breakfast and smiling for once. I walk my lazy ass to orientation and pick a random seat not paying attention to anything but the front of the room ignoring all the blabbering idiots gawking about being a ninja. That's when these two girls came shoving through the door yelling at each other who was first to get to class. "NO ONE GIVES A FLYING FUCK WHO GOT HERE FIRST PICK A SEAT AND RESUME YOUR CAT FIGHT LATER!!! SOME OF US ARE HERE TO BE NINJA" I yell out not directly at either of them . Feeling all eyes on me I just go back to my normal position of hands folded and head facing forward . "Finally someone gets them to shut up, this is such a drag" I hear a familiar voice say. Shika is here at least I'm not alone with complete idiots. Oops spoke to soon as Kiba walks in looking sexy as ever. Akamaru gives me a friendly bark and Kiba looks over. Fuck what do I do?!?! Just ignore them its better that way. Bro's before hoe's right... no that for guys IDFK WHAT TO DO UGGH. Okay just calm down . Just be that i dont give a fuck kid yeah that'll work.. I worked out in my head.

"Hey.." I hear someone say before poking me. I look over to see one of the annoying twats from before. "hmm" is all that comes from my mouth. "You're in my seat I need to sit next to Sasuke!" The pink haired girl says hands on her hips flipping her hair. A blonde boy in an awful orange outfit get up climbs on the desk and like examines the boy next to me with I just now realized was Sasuke. "NARUTO LEAVE HIM ALONE" the pinklett yells before some guy in front turns around to see whats going on and bam.. Naruto and Sasuke are kissing... I can honestly say that I was the only that couldn't stop laughing. All the girls were obviously beating the shit out of Naruto for "stealing their true loves first kiss" and everyone else was just in shock. I had a pain in side and abdomen from laughing so hard. "Awww true love, no wonder you give gave any of your love sick classmates a second glance." I say to Sasuke and at this point I had returned back to hands folds face forward. "At least I got some action" He replies before Iruka walks into the room.

"Its now time to put you into squads of three with a special case of four since we have an extra student this year. " Iruka beams then smiles at Naruto. Naruto is the extra student oh joy. He started going through the teams and I hear Shika snoring. "Wow" i sigh before elbowing him lightly. I hear him wake up and I fold my hands pretending I didn't do anything. "Team Seven, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Harano, Hanako Hatake, and Sasuke Uchiha" I felt like Naruto and I would be fine he is a moron but a moron with potential. Sakura however i might kill if keeps being a stalker. Sasuke I can already feel a problem beginning under the surface . "WHY DOES A GREAT NINJA LIKE ME HAVE TO BE ON A TEAM WITH A SLUG LIKE SASUKE!?" Naruto stands up from his seat beside and points a sasuke who was sitting the same way I was. Then Iruka went into detail about how scoring was the reason for blah blah blah. "Naruto sit down please" I said not moving. Then looked from Sasuke to I and finally sat down. Iruka went through the rest of the teams. Eight was Hinata, Shino, and Kiba. Hinata is shy and Shino is reserved but we hang out sometimes, but Kiba He is a nice version of Sasuke with Akamaru Nine was Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji. Those poor guys . Ino is one of the girls fighting with Sakura. I sigh and just wait for our sensei to show up. Watching everyone leave, even Iruka had to leave.

I got up and called Naruto over. "Okay Im getting tired of waiting" He moans . "Same here the only person I know that would be this late is my dad, got any ideas for pay back?" I sigh . "Go sit down this is my craft" He says with an evil chuckle. I pat him on his shoulder and go to sit back down and Sakura was there. "Move now" I say coldly and she glares "why should I?" she smiles. "I really didnt wanna have to do this in the classroom but you leave me no choice" Doing a hand sign she gets a scared look and moves. I just smile and return to my seat. I look up and see Naruto putting and eraser between the door and the doorjamb. I chuckle before Sakura starts yelling at him about responsibility and Sasuke just says "he's a Jonin and he's not going to fall for that." I never realized how much in common Naruto and I have. One eye, actual personality, pranks, being underestimated , I act like a complete bitch I mean I am a bitch just not that big of one. I sense someones chalkra coming closer... " He's Here " I say sitting back in my chair. "How do you know?' Sasuke asks, "i can feel his chalkra its really familiar" I say while looking at sasuke. I hear the door opening and look over "YOU BLOODY LIAR" I say standing up and yelling. "I dont know what you mean" Kakashi says running his hand through his hair and picking the eraser from the ground " My first thought of all of you is youre all a bunch of idiots" Kakashi states we all sweat drop. He leads us to the roof and asks us to introduce ourselves, likes,dislikes, hobbies,dreams, and shit like that. Of course sakura is a complete moron and asks "What do you mean?" Like seriously pay less attention to Sasuke and you might know whats going on. I facepalm and Naruto says "Kakashi sensei you go first" "Alright My name is Kakashi Hatake, what I like and dislike I dont feel like telling you, my hobbies well i don't wanna tell you, my dreams? I haven't really thought about it. Okay your turn kid on the left" He says I chuckle of course Otosan was so vague

All Naruto talked about was Ramen. Ramen this Ramen that. He is a knucklehead that loves ramen is what I gathered. Sakura on the other hand spend her whole time squealing and it looked like she was having a seizure, its just Sasuke. Sasuke didnt really tell you anything about him other than he wants to have kids and kill someone. I was next all eyes were on me "My name is Hanako Hatake, I dont like many things, I hate alot of things including pushovers *cough sasuke cough*, cocky asssholes *Cough sasuke cough*, and fangirls *cough sakura cough*, hobbies include training and bothering otosan. My dream.. I dont have one" I say lazily. Looking back to Otosan. "Good youre all different" Otosan says smiling. "Thats it for today our mission will begin tomorrow meet at the training grounds 5am sharp" Kakashi smiles at us through his mask and states "Oh and dont eat or you'll puke". Hearing everyone gasp I assume they beileve him. He has been using the same exercise for years. Bells blah blah blah teamwork blah blah blah. With that I assume he teloported home leaving the four of us on the roof.

"Hey Naruto wanna go for Ramen? Sasuke and Sakura can come too if they want" I ask and tell the others. "You want to eat Ramen... With me?" He says more shocked than anything. "So far you're the only one I can stand on this team so yeah, I don't particularly like fangirls especially useless ones, and cocky assholes aren't my thing either, consider this a beginning of a friendship. My treat by the way." I state while jumping off the edge of the roof. I hear sasuke hmmf and Sakura gasp. "Losers" I mumble while walking toward the Ramen shop. "Hanako wait up" I hear Naruto running up behind me. "Heyy" I say awkwardly hugging him. "Hana what are you.." He says and hugs me back. "Shut up were gonna train once we eat okay?" I say and let Naruto go from my embrace. "yeah, sure.. why did you hug me" he says scratching the back of his head giving me one of his signature closed eye cheesy grins. "Cause I like you yah dork" I say before walking into the Ramen shop. Did I leave Naruto speechless..? Oh well. "Naruto you want your usual?" The shop owner asks and Naruto just nods. "Same please" I say smiling through my mask. "Sure thing" His wife says while they make our food I turn to Naruto. "So what do you need to work on" I say "Im the greatest ninja ever so Im amazing, BELIEVE IT!!" Naruto beams looking back at me.

"Not that I dont believe you but you couldnt even make one clone for the exam and Otosan said that you passed because you saved Iruka with shadow clones I must say I wasnt convinced. But here you are and on my team. I could tell we would be friends of course because 1: you dont wanna marry sasuke and 2: youre not a cocky douche bag." I rambled. " Uhh yeah, so youre saying you dont like Sasuke?" He asks as we get our food. "Nope he is arrogant thinking were all weak." I sigh and start eating. We both stop talking and dive in both of slurping never taking a break to breathe. We finish at the same time. We look at each other and bust out laughing. "I guess its true you do eat just like me" I smirk another thing we have in common. "Finished already you might eat faster than Naruto." The owner looks at both of us. I pass over the money to her and we took off to my training grounds in the woods.

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