Narutoooo!! Chapter 4

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[The picture above is just there because its funny 😂] Anyways, I have been dealing with some well... Family problems and if my chapters seem to be more negative as far as the OC goes that would be why. Okay so enjoy the chapter ~ Ava
• Hanako •
It took Naruto and I three hours to get untied from those damn poles. Of course since Naruto didn't eat breakfast and only a couple bites of my apple he was starving. I on the other hand thought I was dying, Otosan knows what happens when I dont eat... Bitches are gonna die. "So.. You up for some ramen..?" I yawn out toward Naruto who was walking a few paces in front of me. "Sounds good.. you sleepy Hana" He replies slowing his pace and picking me up. "A little its no big deal" I say cuddling into his chest. "Comfy..?" He asks and I just hum in response.


She is snoring.. She is snoring in my arms.. I am carrying a snoring girl.. At Least she is cute.. Wait nope nota no way I just thought that.. I love Sakura.. Do I really though.. She is just like the other kids that pick on me.. Hana she isn't mean.. Well to me anyway. To anyone that she doesn't really like or care for which is Sasuke and Sakura so far.. She is a royal bitch. "Oh were here" I sigh. "Hmm" is all I hear from Hana as I walk into the ramen shop. I sit on a stool with Hana in my lap. She looks confused but didn't move. "You're comfy" She says leaning head on mine. "The usual you two..?" i nod my head and sigh, this is nice. Not being alone.


He is really warm, he doesn't smell to bad either. His hair is so fluffy and blonde. Like a baby duck.. I want a baby duck.. Hehehehe Sasgay's hair looks like a duck butt.. I was pulling from my thoughts by the smell of Miso Ramen with Barbecue Pork. I look in front of me and see two streaming bowls. "Yaaaayy foooddd" I squeal and grab two pairs of chopsticks and hand one to Naruto. "Thanks" He says and reaches around me to eat. I giggle realizing I was still on his lap, I begin to get up only to get pulled back down. I shrug and break my chopsticks and eating. We both ate really slow.. Like really really slow. I mean can you blame us I was on Naruto's lap and he had to reach around me and not cover me in ramen. I have to wait for him to finish a bite to take mine since I had to watch out for his arms.. It must have been a sight to see. Once I had finished my bowl, way before Naruto, I took his chopsticks and was now feeding him. It took much less time and was quite funny because he is, lets face it a huge goofball. Once his bowl is gone, I go to pull out my money, only to once again be stopped by Naruto. "I got it" He smiles and pulls some money out of his froggy. "Oh, thank you" I say and hug him. "Welcome Hana" He says while picking me up once again and setting me on my feet. We began walking toward my house. "Hey Naruto" I say lazily, "hmmm" He replies. I motion my arms toward his neck in a grabbing motion. "Oh.. Okay" He got the picture and picks me up bridal style. "Thank you little duck" I whisper and cuddle into his chest. "Welcome Little Flower" I says while carrying me. "You can stay at my house if you want" I yawn. "Yay sleep over with my Hana-Chan" He says throwing his arms in the air. I can feel myself falling I yelp and cling to Naruto like a cat. I feel his arms around me again causing me to let go of my firm grip on his orange jacket. I sigh and get back into my comfortable position in his arms. He continued to walk and I could feel myself falling asleep.

•Third Person Pov•

Hana's body was curled up in Naruto's arms. He continued to walk down the street. People turned and giving him glares and scoffing at his as he walked. "Did he kill her" One whispers as he passes. Naruto attempts to hold back tears as he runs to Hana's house. He makes it there not knocking on the door Kakashi wouldn't be very ecstatic to find his daughter in Naruto's arms. Naruto hops onto the second story balcony and jumps in Hana's almost always open window.
He places her on the bed taking off her ninja sandals and has a argument with himself on if he should change her clothes or not. Finally just saying fuck it, he slides her shorts off and puts on a pair of Pajama pants on that he found in her drawer. Leaving her mesh shirt on he carefully removed her over shirts and places a plain blue v neck on her. Pulling Hana's comforter over her small frame.
He smiles at his handy work and goes to lay on the floor.

Naruto's Pov:
I feel a hand pulling at my jacket. "Stay here" I hear Hana murmur and I scratch the back of my head.. "Umm Wha-?!?!" I start to say but was pulled down into the bed with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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