Chapter 6

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Mel looked between KC and I as we walked into our dorm laughing and shoving each other.

"Jesus Christ, what kind of satanic magic happened here?" KC looked over at Mel with her ever so charming grin. Mel blinked confused and shrank away a little.

"Hey Caramel!" KC greeted and laughed a little. "No satanic work over here just two friends catching up." I laughed and shoved her.

"You sound like some dumb old man bringing some mate home to booze." KC laughed and rolled her eyes ruffling my matted hair. Ash walked through the door and looked between KC and me, starting at KC's eye.

"Weren't they gold?" She asked softly blinking in confusion and Mel quickly looked at KC again and noted her eyes.

"Holy shit, you guys have been seeing Satan for sure!" She exclaimed and KC laughed and scratched her neck.

"Not really, my eye is a cause of..." KC trailed off but she paused and looked at me and I shrugged.

"Don't look at me, it's your eye," I said and KC shrugged again.

"Well, I don't know the answer. It just kinda happens." Mel brightened up at this, Ashley turned to her and gave her the stink eye.

"Don't even think about it, Mel!" Ash snapped and Mel gave her a devilish smile. Ash grabbed KC by the shoulders desperately.

"Kana sleep with one eye open!" Ash turned and glared at her friend. "You never know what that devil will do."

"I am a child of Jesus!" Mel laughed and Ash raised a brow.

"You would set any one of us on fire just for science." Mel shrugged not denying it and threw a wad of paper at Ash.

KC walked over to Ash and grabbed her face and got really close looking into her eyes. Ash paused and stood perfectly still, her eyes went wide and KC leaned in closer.

"Hey il mio sole, dude I never realized eyes could come in this color before!" KC pulled away smiling brilliantly, Ash blinked back her shock then hid her face in her hands.

"Says the moron with amber eyes and whatever disease you have going on." Mel quipped and KC laughed nodding.

"Yeah I guess you're right-" KC paused then dropped to the floor holding her head in pain screaming as if it were going to burst any second now.

"Kana are you alright?!" Ash screamed rushing to her side seconds before I could and KC whimpered closing her eyes biting her lip to keep herself from screaming again.

"Kana's trying to push me out." She cried and Ash, not knowing a single thing that was going on pulled KC into her arms rubbing back whispering in her ear that everything was going to be okay. Mel climbed down from her bed and got closer cautiously.

"Kana's what? Did you hit your head or something-" KC cried out again burying herself deeper in Ash's arms.

I panicked and tried to think about what I could do in this situation.

"Hey KC knock knock."

"Lexie now is not the time for knock knock jokes!" Mel snapped.

"I know but I'm freaking out and these used to make her laugh!" I yelled back.

"Who's there?" KC weakly asked.

"Cow says?" Ash groaned and buried her face in KC's hair.

"Cow says who?"

"No, the cow says moo." KC burst out laughing but then paused and then blood started to come out of her nose and her eyes rolled back again.

The next few moments were filled with nothing but pure screaming. Kana had come back and when she saw all the blood on her hand she screamed. Ash screamed because of the blood scaring Kana and after realizing she was in Ash's arms she screamed again. Mel yelled at the both of them to shut up and I yelled at Mel who was yelling at Ash and Kana who were screaming at each other to shut up.

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