I mean I guess

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"Seriously Emma? We're two months into the semester how am I gonna find a place?"

"There's plenty of open apartments, and I'm sure there's still some dorm rooms available." She set down her coffee abruptly as if their conversation was unconvincing her.

"I can't afford an apartment on my own, and no way am I living in a shoe box on campus again! You said I could live with you for the year!" Parker was sitting on the couch giving a Emma a desperate glare.

"I don't care." Emma started towards her room. "You'll figure something out." She sighed from the door way.

Parker sighed too she had no clue what she was going to do. But she did know one thing. She wasn't going to live on campus. Not after what happened last year.

"You know you can't live here with me and Jake it'd be weird." But Parker just sat there annoyed. "Come on Emma, I really like Jake I think it could work out." She had left her room and sat on the floor in front of the couch giving Parker her best puppy dog eyes. She felt bad for Parker, but she didn't know her very well and she really liked Jake. It was nice of her to let Parker stay with her in the first place. And it's not like I'm dumping her out on the street, she'll find something. Emma and Parker had met at dance team camp last year. Parker was a scarlet on the University of Nebraska's dance team and Emma had been on ASU's dance team. But that was it. Only a week spent in Florida together.

"Everyone who needs a roommate already has one and I'm not living on campus again. Why can't you just move in with Jake?"

"He has a roommate. And this apartments better."

"Who's Jakes roommate?"

"Logan Jacobson, Why?"

"Do you think he needs a roommate?" Parker was desperate, she couldn't afford her own apartment, all the ones close to campus were expensive. And if she couldn't find somewhere to live she'd have to go home. And she wasn't doing that.

"I mean maybe. But I'm not sure he'd want a chic as a roommate?" Emma was giving Parker a disapproving look. But Parker didn't care.

"You're forcing me out, and I don't know anyone here so I'm considering all my options." Parker shot back. "What's his number?"

"You're not serious?"

"Well I don't know of anyone else in need of a roommate so unless you want me to third wheel for the next year then give me the number." She smiled sarcastically. Emma just rolled her eyes and snatched Parker's phone from her outstretched hand.

"There. But don't expect anything Logan's kinda a dud. I doubt he'll even respond."

"That's why I'm gonna call him." She stood from the couch and walked toward her room.

"You're not serious that's so weird." Emma said from the floor.

"People have a hard time saying no to things when you call instead of text. You should know that I did it to you." Parker yelled from her room above the sound of ringing. Emma wanted to be annoyed but she just laughed. It was true. Three months ago Parker had called and practically begged Emma to help her on her move to Arizona. Which eventually led to them living together.

"Uh...Hello?" The voice Parker heard sounded groggy, as if the person just woke up. Not good, people don't like to be asked for things right after they wake up she thought. It was 12 o'clock though? 

"Um, sorry this is Parker Oakley, Emma's roommate."


"So um really weird question but I'm desperate so this like my only option, do you...um...have a new roommate yet?" There was silence on the other line then the sound of rustling sheets.

"Um no not yet. I'm kinda fucked though no ones really looking for a roommate right now." He sounded more awake but still uninterested.

"Yeah I'm fucked too. I can't afford my own apartment and like you said no ones needs a roommate right now. It's too far in the year." She huffed. The line was silent again


"Oh yeah um... okay so I know this is super weird, but I seriously don't know anyone here I'm kinda new, and Emma wants me out as soon as possible and I refuse to live on campus so.... I was wondering if I could be your roommate?" She realized she had spoken too fast and knew she sounded desperate. She wasn't usually like this, but the thought of going home made her panic. More silence.


"Before you say no," she had regained some confidence, "I work two jobs so I'm always on time for rent, I can cook, and I'll stay out of your way. And I'm pretty sure you're in the same boat as me so it's not like you have a ton of options either." She rushed out.

"Uhh... I mean I guess. I don't think I've ever met you?"

"You haven't." That's when Parker realized what she was doing. She was going to be living with a man she'd never met. She started to pay attention to his voice. It was deep and slightly rugged. Probably from just waking up. "When can I move in?"

"Uhh, this is so weird. Whenever I guess. Jake is moving out tomorrow." He sounded distant as if he wasn't sure what he was doing.

"How about tomorrow then?"

"Like move in tomorrow?"

"Yeah if that's okay?"

"Uh, yeah I guess..." they both sat there awkwardly on the line together. "...Do you... need help moving anything?"

"No, no, I don't have a lot of stuff it won't take long." Parker rolled over to her back. She looked at all her empty moving boxes. All 4 of them.


"Okay." Again they just sat there awkwardly. Both trying to imagine what the other was like. How ballsy Logan thought. He never would have thought to ask Emma's roommate. He never really liked Emma, he really hoped Parker was nothing like her.

"Well uh, I'll see you tomorrow I guess." Logan felt strange but he couldn't take it back now.

"Yeah see you tomorrow." With that Parker hung up and threw her phone onto a pile of clothes on her floor.

There was a knock at the door and suddenly Emma was lying next to her. "So?"

"I'm gonna live with a boy." Parker spoke in disbelief.

"Omg Seriously? He said yes? That's hilarious." Emma giggled beside her. But her giggle became a full on laughing fit. "Omg omg, Emma I'm so sorry!" She shook the whole bed. "Omg omg What's Coach gonna say?!" She laughed even harder tears leaving her eyes.  They were both on the ASU dance team now and shared a coach.

"Oh shut up." Parker hit her lightly still looking at the ceiling in disbelief. "Coach isn't gonna know. Cause your not gonna tell her about Logan and I'm not gonna tell her about Jake." Parker gave her a serious one that ended Emma's laughter almost immediately.

"Fine." She got up and stood by the doorway. "When are you moving out?"

"Tomorrow don't worry I'll be out before you're Jakie poo gets here."

"Oh Parker you're the best! She shrieked. "I'm making you dinner!"

Parker rolled over and moaned into her pillow. Emma's cooking was awful.

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