She was nice

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Parker was on the couch eating chips and salsa when Logan barged in. She was mid supernatural binge and mid chip.

He smiled and waved while tossing his keys onto the counter. He was then followed by a rather skanky looking girl.

Logan has been feeling weird lately, going out was as much fun as it usually was, and most girls just annoyed him instead of turned him on. He was sick of it and finally just gave in to the first girl who talked to him. Tattoos and nose rings.

"Who the fuck is that?" She asked towards Parker.

"My roommate." Logan said trying to hide his shock at her rudeness. Parker just waved at the girl and went back to her Netflix. It bothered her but whatever Logan wanted to do with his time was his own. "Come on." Logan said taking the girls arm to shorten her and Parker's contact.

"Don't be too loud." Parker yelled as they left down the hallway.

"Bitch." She heard the girl whisper. She just laughed to herself and turned the tv up.


"She was nice." Parker smiled from the couch.

A tired looking Logan just rolled his eyes as he locked the door after the girl left. "Shut up." He sighed and plopped down on the couch next to Parker. Continuing the supernatural marathon. Though Logan hated it he didn't bother mentioning it.


"Dammmmm. That's what's underneath those sweatpants?" It was game day and Parker was dressed up in her uniform. Tiny crop top and tiny skirt big puffy hair and tons of makeup.

"Logan you're being weird." She said gathering her things. He was completely shocked to see her like that. She was incredibly toned and curvy in all the right places. How had he not noticed? "I'm pretty sure you're breaking one of the rules."

"Sorry I'm just shocked I kinda forgot you were a girl."

"Ha ha." She said without humor. She was trying to find her poms. "You coming to the game?"

"No but I'm going to the after party." He smiled from the couch. "You?"

"No. No after party's for me."

"Oh yeah that's right nerds don't party."

"I'm not a nerd. And I just don't want to."

"Sureeee." He said turning back to the tv. She just didn't have anyone to go out with. As he thought it it became less funny and more sad. He just kinda felt like a jerk teasing her about it. Parker couldn't care less. She'd done the party scene before.

As soon as Parker got back that night she saw Logan still on the couch.

"What happened to your party? Or did it never exist?" She teased.

"Oh contrary. I was just waiting for you." He smiled standing up from the couch.

"What? No I'm good trust me." She was taking off her cheer shoes painfully.

"Parker why don't you go out? Why the sweats? It's sad honestly." She stood up facing him leaning against the counter.


"Honestly?" He smiled.

"Honestly, I'm not looking for a relationship. And I literally don't know anyone here so there's no point." Logan was quiet for a moment.

"Well... you know me and I'm taking you out. And as for the relationship thing i kinda doubt anyone would wanna date you anyway. I mean look at you, tiny hot and annoying." He smiled as she rolled her eyes. "Now go get ready we're past fashionably late." He shewed her towards her room. "And try not to dress like a nerd."

Oh he'll see thought Parker as she put on one of her skimpiest outfit. Tiny daisy dukes with a red halter top no bra. Her hair was already big and curled and her makeup was way more than she would usually do anyway. She wasn't self conscience she liked her body and felt no need to feel ashamed of it.

It left Logan speechless. Well for awhile. "There's no way you're wearing that." He'd acutely noticed the fact she was braless under the top.

"What?" She turned around showing herself off. "Too nerdy?"

"Something like that." He tried to look disgusted but he was actually just really intrigued. Where the hell did these clothes come from. "Just try not to embarrass me." He said grabbing his keys.

She just smiled satisfactory.


The house was shaking from the music when they pulled up.

Parker despite her usual demeanor was nervous and definitely showing it. Logan noticed as he was about to get out of the car.

"Hey." He gingerly set a comforting hand on her bare shoulder. "Don't be nervous everyone's usually super nice."

"Usually?" She turned to look at the house.

Kids were laying in the lawn. Some wasted some sober trying to get some fresh air.

"I'll be with you all night. I wont even leave with a girl so you're not by yourself. And I'm driving tonight so drink as much as you want." Logan offered her a kind smile. It was something new to Blake she was used to his cheeky smirk. Despite the teasing from earlier he was being unusually nice to her and she couldn't help but notice there was no ulterior motive in giving up most of his night for her.

Logan seemed to notice he'd gone slightly soft to her too. "This is just for tonight Parker. Next party you're on your own so make friends." He teased again getting out of the car.

Welp here we go thought Parker.

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