•Arrgh x Reader• Just dance

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Hey guys, this chapter and chapters like it will start to be posted here on this story. I know you've already read some of them in the main story, but I still What them to be here. Enjoy

Just Dance!
Argh x reader

Background: (Y/N) is a girl who's friends with Jim and Toby and was with them when Jim found the amulet. She was with them through their adventures, training and all. Now, everyone in trollmarket is celebrating the trollhunter's defeat of bular, a large celebration being held in his honor. You were enjoying yourself, everything was fun until everyone started dancing.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Congrats Jimbo!!" Me and Toby patted Jim on the back, showing pride in our best friend. Everyone was shouting praise at their human trollhunter. Bagdwella even toasted to him.

"To Jim, 'The Bular Slayer', for saving trollmarket!!"

"To Jim!!"

We laughed. Everybody was happy and having a good time. I chatted with Toby and Jim while the party raged.

"Oh my god, oh my god, Jim you were so cool!! I mean, you slayed bular!!! 'Jim the bular slayer', so cool!!" Toby exclaimed, practically fangirling over him.

I laughed "Totally Jim!! You've earned the praise you've gotten tonight." I picked up my mug of if the table and took a sip of the glug inside. Both Toby and Jim looked at me with disgust.

"What? It's good." I chuckle at their faces

"That's disgusting (Y/N). I can't believe your actually drinking that stuff."

"Your one to talk Toby, considering YOUR the one that stuffs your face with troll food every time you come down here." I raised my eyebrows at him with a smirk

"W-well I-I...Whatever (Y/N)!!" Me and Jim laughed

"But seriously (Y/N)", Jim started, "That's gross." He laughed. That's when Claire came in.

"Hey, guys come on!! The party is in the forge, everyone is having a blast!!" We looked at each other and smile, following my best friend's girlfriend into the forge.

~timeskip into the forge~

Walking into the forge, the music was blaring. It hurt my ears, but only a little bit. It was tolerable. I couldn't help but grin at the sight before me. Trolls everywhere were chatting, eating, playing games and just having a good time. Me, Jim, Claire, and Toby walked further into the arena, joining Blinky, draal and......argh. I'm not the type of girl that openly shows emotions very often, but when I'm around argh, I can't help but smile and blush like an absolute mad woman. Lucky, I'm able to hide it just enough for him not to notice. Not only is he as cute as he is kind, but he's saved my life on multiple occasions. He saved me in our fight with bular when we first came to trollmarket and even saved me from Nomura in the fight to keep gunmar from escaping killahead bridge. He was always there when I needed to blow off some steam, whether I was ranting or when I just needed to throw a good punch or two. He may not have always talked back but he listened to every word I said, which is more than I could ever ask for from anyone. As much as I love my family, not even they do that for me. Argh even helped me with getting through my bullying problems at school. He actually made me feel good about myself, which is something I haven't been able to do for a long, long time. Ever since my father died, I just kinda gave up. I stopped being the happy, cheerful self I was when I was a kid. Of course, Jim and Toby helped, Claire coming into the picture later, but argh just made me feel.....different. He made me smile. I guess I couldn't help but fall for him eventually, although I'd never admit it. From just sitting with him in Blinky's library and reading books, to sparring and goofing around in the forge, I always felt something different towards him. Something more than just love for a friend.

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