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"PD, we are so sorry. We really didn't m-"
"Save it! How dare you go against my rules like this! I strictly said that you may be in relationships with each other as along as you don't drink excessively or be touchy and fucking horny on lives!" PD Nim yelled. Taehyung whined and stuffed his face in Jungkook's chest. Jungkook held him close and kissed his head every few seconds to calm him down.
"It's okay, Kitty. Calm down sweetie." Jungkook whispered to the boy, again, quietly enough to not let the others hear.
"Guys, you're not really helping the sit-"
"Jung Hoseok, be quiet. I'm leaving for now. I'll see you before the concert. Have fun explaining this to the army." And with that, PD left the boys. It was completly silent.
"Its okay my hybrid. Its okay." Jungkook whispered.
"Hybrid?!" Yoongi looked at Jungkook and Tae in shock. Jungkook looked up and locked eyes with Yoongi.

Taehyung whined loudly at the loud noise coming from Yoongi

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Taehyung whined loudly at the loud noise coming from Yoongi.
"Come here baby. Daddy's got you." Jimin took Taehyung from Jungkook and held him close to his body. Jungkook then had to start explaining so much.
"Tae Tae is a cat hybrid. Jimin and I are his mates and loud noises scare him so Yoongi, stop shouting." Jungkook explained.
"Oh my gosh, hybrids exist?!" Hoseok yelled. Taehyung whined and hid himself further into Jimin's chest.
"Hobi, quiet!" Jungkook scolded.
"Oh, sorry. I just got excited. Does he have a tail and ears and stuff?" Hoseok asked.
"Yes but he has to keep them both hidden at all times because nobody knows about it other than the stylists and the choreographer. He gets these moods where he feels more like a cat than a human and vice versa. At the moment, he is feeling more cat as you probably found out." Kookie explained. Taehyung looked out of Jimin's chest and towards the other members. They all smiled at him and made him feel a little more brave. He pulled away from Jimin and stood inbetween his two mates, looking towards the floor.
"Wait, how did he keep his tail and ears hidden while you guys, you know, went at it?" Yoongi asked. Taehyung blushed and grabbed Jungkook's arm.
"He didn't. The camera angle kept the veiwers from seeing his tail but his ears were still hidden. He has to hold them down with special bobby pins that the stylist gave him. They are designed to keep from hurting his ears while hiding them." Jimin explained.
"Baby, can I?" Jungkook asked the hybrid gesturing towards his hair. Tae nodded slowly and Jungkook went to take the pins out. He pulled them out and Taehyung's ears sprung up. They shook a little and puffed up the fur on them.
"Awe!" Jin yelled. Tae whimpered at the noise and his ears flattened to his hair. Jin walked to him and went to pet him.
"I wouldn't do th-" Taehyung moaned, cutting Jungkook off. Jin looked shocked at the sudden noise.
"Hybrids have very sensitive ears and tails so when you touch them, they get a high sense of pleasure." Jimin explained, petting him behind his ear. Taehyung let out a low moan and tilted his head down towards Jimin. Jungkook and Jimin giggled at his cute act.
"Okay, enough about the baby Tae hybrid. We have to practice. Are you gonna clip his ears down of no?" Namjoon asked.
"Do I have too? I want my ears to breathe." Taehyung whined.
"Okay, leave them out. Don't fight my child, Joon." Jin warned. Namjoon put his hands up as to say he surrendered and Jin smiled. They all walked to the backstage area where their stylists and choreographer were waiting along with PD Nim.

Bangtan Exposed //Namjin/Vminkook/Sope ffWhere stories live. Discover now