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Happy New Year!!! The video is a bit from the last decade. Enjoy the chapter 🤗

The boys had gotten dressed and Taehyung had been ignoring all of the members that had asked if he was okay or what was wrong. All of the members other than Yoongi had asked at least once so Taehyung had decided to chill with him while the others were tryimg to come up with what was wrong with the boy.
"Whats up bro?" Yoongi asked as Tae sat down next to him.
"Do I scare you? Like, at all?" Taehyung asked, very unsure of himself.
"Why would I be scared of you? Because your a hybrid?" Yoongi motioned to Taehyung's pinned down ears and Taehyung frowned.
"PD was scared. I scared him. He probably hates me now and I can't help it." Taehyung wiped away the single tear that fell down his face and looked up towards Yoongi hoping for an answer.  He looked over and Yoongi was texting someone. He couldn't figure out the name. "Goldilocks"
Who is Goldilocks? Tae thought but soon figured it out as Jungkook ran up to him and hugged him tightly.
"Baby boy, we aren't scared of you. We love you. PD was probably just shocked at how beautiful your pretty little ears are." Jungkook let the boy go and saw the tears now streaming down the hybrid's face.
"No baby, don't cry. It's okay. Do you want me to get Daddy, sweetheart?" Jungkook worriedly asked. Taehyung nodded as he lifted his head from Jungkook's shoulder.
"Jimin! Get your ass over here! Baby Tae needs you!" Jungkook screamed and Jimin fell ontop of Hoseok as he was practicing his front flip in Bulletproof pt.2. Both of them groaned at the impact but Jimin was quick to get up and apologize to Hobi before he ran to his boyfriends. Jimin passed Yoongi as he ran, Yoongi going to make sure Hobi was okay. Jimin immediately pulled Taehyung into a hug and pulled him down to the floor, rocking him like a baby to calm him down.
"It's okay my beautiful angel. Daddy's here. Shhh." Jimin calmed Taehyung as Jungkook rubbed his back and observed how to be a bit more dominant and helpful when these things happen. Meanwhile, Yoongi had gotten Hoseok off the floor and was getting help with some of the choreo for Boy With Luv and Joon and Jin were practicing the some of the singing and rapping for Mikrokosmos. Everything soon calmed down and it was eventually time for the show.

Bangtan Exposed //Namjin/Vminkook/Sope ffWhere stories live. Discover now