A Trip to Freezenberg

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Sofia is laying on her bed when her Enchantlet starts to glow.

"What's wrong, Vega?" Sofia asks sitting up as her Enchantlet makes a circle.

"Sofia, there is trouble in Freezenberg," the female chief says.

"I'm on it," Sofia says.

Sofia puts on her protector outfit and her warmest coat as she knows how cold it can get in Hildegard's kingdom.

It doesn't take long for Sofia to find the issue, two fauns fighting over a Neddledrop.

"It's mine," the larger faun says.

"No, it's mine," the smaller faun pulls.

"Hey stop!" Sofia breaks up the fight between the two fauns.

"Who are you?" the smaller faun asks.

"I'm Sofia, protector of the Ever Realm," she says as the two fauns back away from each other.

"I'm Kassie," the smaller one says.

"I'm Layla," the larger one says.

"Tell me what's going on? I thought fauns were nonviolent."

"We usually are but this year not many Neddledrops have grown and King Henrik has asked everyone to decorate their homes for this year's flower festival."

"I know King Henrik, let's go talk to him."

"Okay," Layla says.

"And I will hold this," Sofia takes the Neddledrop from Kassie.

"Halt, who goes there?" One of the guards asks.

"I'm Princess Sofia of Enchancia, I need to see King Henrik."

"I'm sorry Princess but the King isn't seeing anyone today, he is too busy getting ready for the Flower Festival."

"But it's about the Neddledrops."

"I'm sorry Princess, he asked not to be disturbed."

"I understand," Sofia says as she walks away with the two fauns behind her.

"Sofia, is that you?" A familiar voice asks.

"Hildy, how are you?" Sofia asks turning around.

"I'm good, what are you doing here? The Flower Festival isn't until tomorrow."

"I am the Protector of the Ever Realm and was sent here because these fauns have a problem."

"Let her and the fauns in please," Hildegard says to the guards.

"Thanks," Sofia says as she and the fauns walk in.

"So, what's wrong?" Hildegard asks as they sit down in the garden.

"These fauns say that your dad had ordered to have all the houses decorated with Neddledrops for the flower festival."

"My dad is trying something new, is that a problem?" Hildegard asks in a tone that has a bit of anger in it.

"No, but there aren't enough Neddledrops for each house to be decorated head to toe."


"So, that is the problem with these two fauns. Fauns are creatures of obedience when their ruler wants something then they will go above and beyond to please them. This is the last Neddledrop and these two fauns are fighting over it. I need to speak with your dad," Sofia holds up the beautiful orange flower.

"I understand, I will go get him," Hildegard says getting up.

"King Henrik will fix this, I know he will," Sofia tells the two fauns.

"Sofia, so nice to see you," King Henrik says walking to the table she is sitting at.

"Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to me Your Majesty," Sofia greets him.

"Hildy tells me that there is a problem with my pride idea."

"It's a great idea, but the problem is that there aren't enough Neddledrops and these two fauns are fighting over the last one."

"I didn't think about how many people are in Freezenberg and how many Neddledrops we have. I shall have my sorcerer duplicate this one and have my gardener work with Ms. Neddle to make another flower that can grow in Freezenberg," King Henrik declares.

"Thank you so much, now if you don't mind I have to get home for dinner."

"Bye Sofia, be safe and say 'hi' to Amber for me," Hildegard waves her friend goodbye.

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